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Everything posted by omgitshim

  1. Wait @Adrest245 didn't you say you bugged Ricer? Seemed to imply it at least earlier.
  2. I'm guessing Crusader, which would mean one of Adrest or Advantage is lying since no one was killed by Crus. But also if hatty was controlled, why would they send him to heal Ptyrell rather than let him die? @jhatty8 were you controlled?
  3. Presumed Vampire Vincent
  4. Assuming Lemorse isn't lying.
  5. Should note Lemorse tracked him on N1, not N2. Conversion would have happened then.
  6. Note that if Vincent doesn't turn up Vampire, I'll be very suspicious of @Lemorse7
  7. Nothing for me, if it was Coven must have been PM Reveal or Hex. Do you have full results? Escort is the Town version of the same role.
  8. Vote @vincentlg2007
  9. Didn't someone visit Ricer last night?
  10. @GoodLeftUndone now that you're sober and alive, what have you been up to?
  11. If you're Town Investigative, it's good to get all your info out there as soon as you can. This way we can figure out who is who faster and figure out who the evils are. Mafia and Coven have their own tools to figure us out and can chat in private, so we gotta share our info as much as we can to try to get them out.
  12. yes
  13. Then I guess you can answer: what'd you do to him?!
  14. Unvote Lemorse @Ricer13 you good fam?
  15. I don't like how everyone is piling on to my meme vote for @Lemorse7 here. Seems like evils are pushing a free opening. Lemorse give us a role and we'll mob @Advantage next
  16. PoisoneR Potion MasteR Case closed boyz Vote @Lemorse7
  17. We all hitting up Sheetz before we go out drinking?
  18. Veterans can be roleblocked!
  19. Not that I know of but I do mostly Discord ToS now (and no they haven't done ToS2 either). In btw
  20. Update with Sheriff: Neutral Evils (Doomsayer, Exe, Jest, Pirate) appear sus but all other neutrals show inno.
  21. Yeah can do that too if Pros announces in the thread. Might be awkward if Deputy tries to shoot after though. Also, found out Jester gets a 1 time use Vest now.
  22. Well I was also curious on a lot of the new roles especially to see what I could use for custom roles in discord format As an aside: for Prosecutor, you could just have the day proceed as normal and the Prosecute just overwrites the voting results at the end of the day. It would have the one downside of allowing other day actions to go off after the Pros intended to end the day but it would keep it a lot simpler overall.
  23. I assume so? I haven't actually seen it. I watched too much Pipetron
  24. Here's some notes on the roles that I've gathered from watching Pipe's videos: From what I understand, there's not specific clues, they just queue up the body during the day and if the person they check at night is the killer, they find out. Pipe usually bans it since it's pretty meh The limit is gone. Lookout is effectively an Astral visit itself now. I also like the Spy changes. Removes the OP non-interactive part and makes the bug more useful. Day time actions are gonna be the hardest part for sure. Deputy seems simple enough since it's like a Mayor reveal and Vigi shot at the same time, so posting it in the thread like a Mayor reveal should work fine. Yeah it's a weird pseudo Transporter role. Good fake claim for evils. No longer being Unique also makes Vet a good fake claim now too. It's a good change but it's not the only difference: if you exe a Town, you lose the ability to Jail entirely, not just exe. I don't know the answer for Jailor, but a Bodyguard at least can still protect them. 99% sure you can't Knight a revealed Mayor. Probably just keep track of it in the vote tally since the Knighting is public at the start of day (I think it's like "The Monarch has knighted so and so", I'll have to double check). This does immediately end the day phase, so not sure how you'd want to go about it. Not exactly ToS but I've been in Werewolf servers that have open night chat anyway that works ok, so it wouldn't be the worst if you keep it open until end of day. Also if they Prosecute at the very start of day you could just have a speed-up day (if everyone is around to check in). This is probably going to be the toughest to handle. Yeah you still die. Basically the same role except you can self vest twice. This role was terrible before and just got reworked, so not super familiar with it. The proposal is now delivered privately at the start of night phase (it showed the player character before so I assume it would be [specific player] but cannot confirm that atm). And yes silence is blackmailed (and can't vote that day) but only lasts the one day. Remembering is automatic. I don't know if it's just the first one dead or a random one at first opportunity. I don't think it's announced publicly anymore either. You can use the same body over and over again. I think you might still have to share with a Necro or other Retri on a nightly basis, haven't really seen that interaction play out yet. Also you can no longer target yourself with bodies. I also like the roleblock immunity after a roleblock. I knew there was an order but I didn't know the order. Dreamweaving is a night action, and the person knows when they get dreamweaved so they can ask for someone to visit them to clear it before going Insane. I also don't know how you want to handle the random voting It's actually Framer that also can Forge twice per game. I don't think you can do both on the same night. I think it just means if the Coven's attacker is Illusion'd, BGs and Traps just ignore and don't protect. Not quite! Medusa no longer attacks. It's basically just Janitor now. I don't think it does, but I always see them blast it off at the start of Day 2 so I can't say for sure. Maybe put a deadline on this one each day (i.e. can't use it if there's less than 3 hours left in the day phase)? The no TI nerf made was much needed than when it was first released. Hard to play TI if you'd just get sniped the next night! It is one or the other. I assume you can choose each night but I haven't seen it in action. Lore-wise, the ToS1 Witch just became the Coven Leader, so it's technically not joining if they founded it in the first place I believe Necro can now self-target! Not 100% certain on that though. Also can use the same body multiple times. Basically Consort with a one time poison. No cooldown afaik, attack is only available with the book. Yeah it's just Blackmailer. As fun as it was to get an Executioner win by faking being Blackmailed in a game with no Mafia, it's not a fun effect to have in this format. I do believe you can't be bm'd two days in a row though! Basically, the Wildling is a Tracker that passively tracks every single player every night. It's super strong (and makes Tracker claims super sus!) I like the Apocalypse idea they added. I think normally only one can appear in a game outside of the horseman specific game mode but idk for sure if that holds true for All Any. I don't think they know they have bread. I think the arrival is just signaled by most of the Town dying of starvation. If someone with bread dies, they do need to give bread to someone else before transforming. Probably not a bad idea to scale it with number of people (maybe add 1 bread for each 5 added? Maybe with the caveat that if living players drop below a certain number it scales back down to 3). Juggernaut, but now with Invincible Defense at max power. I mentioned it earlier but in a normal game yes there's only one Apocalypse role. Unless you do four horseman mode, then you have all four (with no Coven) and they win together. I don't know if you're allowed multiple in All Any or not (though my guess is no). I also don't know if they have a shared night chat if Four Horseman mode. There's a message that Death has arrived at the start of the day. If Death isn't lynched, they just kill everyone after the vote ends. Afaik you're right with 1 guaranteed soul per day with chance for additional 1 if they watch the right person. 6 for 15, so probably add 1 per 3 players after that? This is Pipe's new favorite role. ALL the Neutral Evils leave the game with they get their win now, no more kingmaker scenarios. Note that they can kill any role, not just Town. Just gotta guess all 3 right! Would probably also put the "no-TI" restriction on it. They leave when they win. They can choose anyone at night, including Coven or other Neutrals. And if they win, one person who voted for that target gets killed randomly (guilty or abstained, basically same rules as Jester). Same Jester as before. Note that Sheriff now finds ALL neutral evils as SUS, so technically Jester got buffed! Unstoppable attack is also new, and they too leave when they win. It wasn't unique at first but they made it unique again. I think it resets after use, but don't know for sure. It does! This happened to Pipe in his Cursed Soul video. It's no longer Unique!
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