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Everything posted by omgitshim

  1. @Berocka @Doomsday you two said you were not evil. Does that mean you're Town or Neutral?
  2. Witches did either of you find the other Arso? And whichever SK hit defense, maybe you found them too.
  3. Well then I guess I need to vote you to protect myself. Vote Adrest
  4. What kill do you take credit for though?
  5. I've got one singular eyeball on you sir or ma'am
  6. Are you suggesting that the Psychic is unwanted here? Bold claim!
  7. Good point. @Berocka @Doomsday are you evil?
  8. Vote rory If he's legit then we know one of Berocka or Dooms are bad. Let's confirm that info asap. A Witch who controlled an Arsonist would also know through inference (and a Consig/PM using Revealing Pot on D1 can assume), but you're correct only Arsos get the message.
  9. Do you at least have other cool powers? As an aside, any Witches, if you find an Arsonist please let us know so we can vote then out. You will get doused by controlling them so you'd want them dead too.
  10. Actually Amnes can remember Surv now so maybe that was kind of both of them.
  11. Were you the one that killed him? Also Fs in the chat for @N0HBDY. Should we be mad at the SK who killed him, or sigh at him for not vesting?
  12. Personally I love the glut of empty white space right in the center of any rainbow
  13. Sure but I won't be very active until after new years
  14. Third round action coming in hot! Nurse Joy @ctots VS Professor Oak @Spartan VS Nurse Joy sends out Hawlucha while Professor Oak goes with Gyarados! Gyarados leads things off with a Dragon Breath. Hawlucha shakes it off and comes in hot with a Flying Press. Gyarados had enough and finishes the round with a Hydro Pump. Nurse Joy smiles and sends out Dubwool. Dubwool immediately spices things up with a Double-Edge. Gyarados winces but shoots a Hydro Pump back at it. Dubwool gets angry and uses Double-Edge again. Gyarados goes down! Professor Oak studies the situation and sends out Machamp. Machamp utilizes Close Combat and Dubwool doesn't stand a chance. Nurse Joy's down to her last pokemon... Weezing! Weezing starts things off by splurting out a Sludge Bomb on Machamp. Machamp tells it to Knock it Off. Weezing gives Assurance that it's sludge is organic and gluten free. Machamp takes out two of its hands for a Dual Chop to challenge those claims. Weezing takes offense and uses another Sludge Bomb to prove its point. Machamp concedes that Weezing was correct and leaves the battle field. Professor Oak is confused! He hurt himself in his confusion! Then he sends out Zapdos. Zapdos comes in with a mighty Drill Peck. Weezing's nearly out of HP, and having grown weary from the previous argument, it unleashes a Self Destruct! It does massive damage! Does anyone survive?
  15. ROUND 2 MATCH-UPS! @Alex vs. @McWolf @OrbitingDeath vs. @omgitshim @Ptyrell vs. @Ricer13 @JardyB10 vs. @ctots @Spartan vs. @Lemorse7 @Dom vs. @dlamb @Gustav vs. @eaglesfan0366
  16. Final match-up of the first round! Let's go! Bill @Dom VS. Ash Ketchum @Ricer13 VS. Bill uses his strangely immense size as an intimidation tactic before sending out Growlithe. Ash uses his own intimidation tactic back: Using Lugia. Lugia blasts Growlithe with a Hydro Pump. It doesn't go well for Growlithe. Bill opens his backpack, revealing about 8 Pokeballs inside. "I don't even know who is inside of these Pokeballs. I'll pick uhhh.... this one!"
  17. Continuing our first round coverage, we have an exciting match-up between: Nurse Joy @ctots VS Worker @OrbitingDeath VS Wait, didn't Nurse Joy already battle? Are you saying there are multiple nurses all named Joy? What kind of world is this?! That's like saying there's multiple Pokemon named Meowth! We all know there is simply one version of that! Anyway enough exposition, let's fight! Nurse Joy leads things off with Hawlucha! Worker pts for Aegislash-Sword! Aegislash uses Surf and Hawlucha doesn't stand a chance. As expected of a matchup between a level 62 and a level 21. Nurse Joy smiles a little. You get a creepy vibe. She sends out her next Pokemon...
  18. Purchase 3 Focus Sashes and 2 Mini-TMs. Use the Mini-TMs to teach Destiny Bond to Elekid and Celebi. Give Espeon a Rare Candy.
  19. You spend 10 hours waiting for a reply to your social media post and make $848.
  20. You spent your entire Day 6 working on an out of town business trip, which earned you an additional $3765. 39 are purchased. Pokemon Level Eevee 28 Magnemite 25 Magnemite 29 Eevee and Magnemite are caught in 1 Great Ball, the 2nd Magnemite takes two. Pokemon Level Charmander 25 Pidgey 28 Sneasel 30 Charmander takes 2 tries, Pidgey was automatic, Sneasel takes 2 tries. Pokemon Level Poliwag 30 Pumpkaboo 25 Wooloo 29 Poliwag and Wooloo are caught in 1 try, Pumpkaboo takes 3. Pokemon Level Grubbin 30 Pumpkaboo 25 Lapras 29 You catch them all (even the Lapras) on the first throw!
  21. Sure. The garage sale is a success.
  22. You check your back pockets and find $324 you forgot you had. Realizing that others may have forgotten the same you sneak into the dry cleaners and check all the pockets. You find $1959 in total.
  23. I believe it should be 2 for Celebi and 1 for Espeon
  24. Celebi uses Leaf Storm on the Lv 27 Poliwag, then Psychic on the Dratini. Espeon uses Psychic on the Lv 29 Poliwag.
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