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Posts posted by MWHazard

  1. 6 minutes ago, diamond_ace said:

    Well, Spade made me an offer yesterday while I was sleeping and then proceeded to fuck off of the site for a day and a half. Can't negotiate with a guy who can't be bothered to be on at all before the deadline. Sorry guys I tried


    Meh. That's that.

  2. 5 minutes ago, diamond_ace said:

    Of course, right when I need him, Spade is nowhere to be seen. I've been monitoring this place while at work (because of course the deadline has to be while I'm at work) and have not gotten a reply from him.



  3. Updates (Week of 3/12 to 3/18):


    Media Spot +6 TPE (Capped)

    Press Conference Answers +1 TPE (Capped)

    Press Conference Questions +1 TPE (Capped)

    VHL.com Article +2 TPE (Capped)

    S59 Trivia Week 4 +2 TPE (Capped)

    VHLM Pick'Em S59 Week 4 +2 TPE (Uncapped)

    Week of 3/12 to 3/18 Cap: 12/12


    Updates (Week of 3/19 to 3/25):

    VHLM Practice Facility +1 TPE (Uncapped)

    Welfare +6 TPE (Capped)

    Press Conference Questions +1 TPE (Capped)

    Press Conference Answers +1 TPE (Capped)

    VHL.com Article +2 TPE (Capped)

    Week of 3/19 to 3/25 Cap: 10/12


    Updates (Week of 3/26 to 4/1):

    VHLM Practice Facility +1 TPE (Uncapped)

    Free Week +6 TPE (Capped)

    Week of 3/26 to 4/1 Cap: 6/12


    Total TPE: 101 + 32 = 133


    Adjusted Attributes:

    +10 TPE to Skating (60 -> 70)

    +20 TPE to Puckhandling (50 -> 70)

    +2 TPE to Passing (59 -> 61)


  4. players-tribune-logo.jpeg?w=670&h=377&cr




    It's deadline day. I am not looking forward to it, to be honest. I am wondering about whether I will get to stay with Jonas and Jakub much longer. We have done our best in Ottawa so far, but we sit at the bottom of the table today. I know we are in talks. Ultimately, I will play wherever Jonas and Jakub are. We are one unit on the ice, working towards the goal. We try to act as one entity. I know many see us as too late to this place. We came after the draft, after the power structure took shape. We have not upset that power structure, that is for certain. Our line goes out each night looking to show that we have that ability, to create and execute as one unit. We do well at that some nights. I am anxious at the thought of us being split up. It is not because I can not play with others. Of course I can. I do that every night with our defensemen. It is more that I wish to share my journey with them. I miss home sometimes, but my brothers are the home I have while I am on this side of the world.

  5. 1. What's the most important attribute in the sim, in your opinion?

    2. 7 game series. Toronto vs. New York. Be honest, who takes it?

    3. If you could place the 8 franchises in 8 North American cities, which would you pick?

    4. Same question, but with the six VHLM franchises. Pick 6 NA cities.

    5. What makes the VHL special? There are plenty of leagues out there.

  6. On 3/17/2018 at 5:52 AM, Beketov said:

    1. How have you three been adjusting to the VHL thus far? Do you believe this adjustment period is hurting the Lynx?

    2. Given that this was the one season where you could choose your own team, are you worried that VHLM GM’s will ignore your wishes in the off-season and draft all three of you to separate teams?


    1a. We are getting better. Adjustment period is natural, coach say.


    1b. We doing our best. We do not mean to hurt team. Ottawa fans understand I hope. My brothers and I are still quite young.


    2. It would be strange to not play with my brothers. We have played together since childhood. I guess we adjust, yes. But maybe some day come back together.

  7. Dear VHL,


    With the season heading into the post-trade deadline period, it's hard not to wonder about the road ahead. Johannes will be entering this coming draft, and while players like Dragomir and Roux will surely garner more attention heading into the draft, I'd like to believe Johannes offers a valuable asset to just about any team, and would garner interest from those with the top picks in this year's draft. Nevertheless, I'm willing to play for just about any team. In terms of where I'd like to go, a few teams have stood out. Recent trades have reduced the potential places I could end up, assuming I go in the first round. The recent VHLM Magazine mock draft didn't have me in the first round. All I really have to say to that is that a GM that misses me in the first round is going to regret it.


    Quebec would offer me a blank slate to try to chart a course from. Beaviss seems like he's embraced the rebuild, and they are going to have a lot of selections in this year's draft. They're barebones right now, but I like the branding here and they've got three firsts in this year's draft. I could see myself going with the Riga pick, or the Seattle pick. I'd be a fan of going to Quebec City for sure.


    Calgary have their first as well as Toronto's. I think I warrant a higher selection than where that Toronto pick is likely to end up, so that would mean being selected at Calgary's pick. That's probably 3rd. I'm not sure where Bash is at with his scouting, but I'd definitely play for the Wranglers. There are probably other deserving players at 3, but I can say that I'm going to build a very good player here. The only reason I'm not as high in TPE as others is my creation timing. Simple as that.


    I don't know much about Davos. They'll probably not want me at number 2 overall, so I'll just leave that where it lies. They do have New York's 1st as well now, so there might be a similar opportunity to Calgary where I think I should go before 7th or 8th, but the GMs might not feel the same. Honestly, I'd


    Helsinki's out there, but I'm not sure I want to play in a place run by a GM that gets banned on occasion. Maybe I'm just asking for this thread to turn into another argument, but it's definitely something that would turn me off about the place. Ultimately, there's always free agency if I don't like it.


    I think my preferred landing spots at this point are Quebec or Calgary. I'm definitely used to being on the management side of things, so it's funny to talk about this draft as a player only. I have very little idea about where I might end up. I'm taking the opportunity to ham it up a bit- if any GMs want to reach out and chat about my sim league background and how I see my player working out long term, I'm happy to chat.



  8. Unfortunate nature of a league like VHLM is that you really have to sell quickly given the usual 1-year careers.


    Pure value wise, if you don’t think we can beat Yukon in a series, then move us to one of their main competition.

  9. 2 hours ago, diamond_ace said:

    So a few offers are starting to roll in, since we're not so good. So far the only thing reasonable is Weise the inactive for a 3rd, but I want to get a sense from you guys whether we should ship, or just keep everything together and see what we can do in the playoffs. If we ship, I intend to be all or nothing, not trying to leave 1-2 guys in what would presumably become a dead lr. (Also, the brothers would only go as a unit, if anyone went anywhere at all). To be fair, we've been gradually better as the season went on, so there might be a reasonable case for not shipping at all. What does everyone think 


    54 minutes ago, Týr said:

    I'm fine with whatever, but I think I'd rather duke it out here than just be traded to a team that's already on course for the win. It'd feel less like I earned it.


    I do appreciate you making sure we stay together, though. Respek


    Slight preference for being shipped out if you can get good value for us. I think that'd be the wiser move for the team's long term future. Not like we're likely to be back for another minors season. That's nothing against you as a GM, you've been great and I'm really glad we signed here.


    Nevertheless, I'm fine with whichever and will continue to grind TPE just the same.

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