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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Don't feel too bad for them, Murray cried after the lottery and was whining to the media about the system. This is the same guy who knew what he was doing by trading talent away to tank. He gets no sympathy from me.
  2. They will be able to score, but won't defend worth shit. If they were smart they would trade it for a huge package that seems a bonafide defensemen and/or goaltender coming back. Scrivens and Fasth aren't going to cut it. J.Schultz is like a chicken with his head cut off and A. Ference is overrated to the moon.
  3. That's a new one. I don't buy it. It wasn't a good decision. Maybe Dorsett should talk to Hamhuis because both their post-game comments somewhat contradict each other. I should also mention if that is the case, Hamhuis wouldn't have got a Game Misconduct because the ref told him too intervene.
  4. Well it took 12 years to accomplish this one. Props to everyone involved from David, Ryan and right down to every player that contributed. It's has been 20 years since I myself won a cup and I can't think of a better way/team to win it with. Congrats to Quebec on making it this far, we just felt our time was due and we needed to win this.
  5. It wasn't the brightest decision though.
  6. Chicago hasn't looked all that lethal tonight, Nashville had an answer for everything (including markers).
  7. Leafs looking at Sean Burke.
  8. I think you are confused as to what he does and the reactions. No one gives in to it, they just hate his team because he doesn't promote them in a negative light. If you weren't confused why'd you ask why they hated? Come on TRAVEY MCCOY!
  9. He doesn't get to anyone. What he does is create a bad image for Quebec, who it turns out; he manages. I wouldn't call what he does "working to band people together". People just hate arrogance and during the past couple seasons him belittling other teams seems to create the villain persona. Don't be confused, understand he brings the hate upon himself.
  10. Not sure why you think that?
  11. After I posted a link about a Habs fan, so it was somewhat attached. Regardless not anything anyone needs to get their panties in a knot for, the series keep going. All I hope is that you guys aren't of the Habs group that feel Stone milked it.
  12. Game? I was hardly playing a game. I posted a link and you guys said I was painting them all in that manner (in addition to the multiple other things said on twitter). It's your choice whether you think thats painting all the same way.
  13. I was called salty, so I pointed some salt by Habs fans. Shot for shot. What I posted was a link, I could further that with more links of other things said regarding Stone too. I was pointing out the stupidity in that link I posted, nothing more. If you felt insulted, I apologize as that wasn't what I was intending. However, the whole salty thing only furthers peoples distaste for a fanbase.
  14. The comment that was a link? All I posted was a link mate.
  15. Oh damn, well it was great having you there!
  16. Exactly, every fanbase does. Me pointing one out and you saying haters are salty is somewhat not warranted.
  17. I get that there are morons guys, but when I post one of the evidence of a moron don't say I or haters are salty. Come on you are both smarter than that. I wasn't painted them all with the same brush.
  18. Good point! Poor David
  19. So you've been bored twice as much as the rest of us.
  20. What I posted wasn't salty. What I posted was pointing out the lack of class by a lot of Habs fans after what happened to Subban. Hey it's not like Ottawa fans went and asked the authorities to arrest Subban, but no fan base has ever done that before...
  21. http://imgur.com/cQei7sZ
  22. Anyone big in it?
  23. Or call up someone like Corrado to replace Weber. Not that Weber is bad, but in the playoffs its a physical game and he gets rattled too easily.
  24. I know but I just can't watch it because he ruined the character for me.
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