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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Fuck the Flames. Hartley is a jerk. But seriously, good game.
  2. I wish it had just for tonight!
  3. If we contract can we get rid of Vasteras! God
  4. I'm always game for a Machinehead reference, their better than the rest.
  5. He is saying I am cranky for calling out METIS/kesler who Jim called out as well. Not sure what's cranky about that. I congratulated Riga and actually wish them well. I think Mike didn't read it correctly.
  6. From what I've gathered they don't regret it at all. Wise was not very productive in Vancouver. Sometimes change of scenery can help a player.
  7. How is that cranky in any way? haha
  8. Congrats to Riga! Jimmy boy you and your mates get to represent the EU, Good work and I wish you luck! To the little kid who feels big because the rest of the team carries him, I'm not surprised.
  9. You played the race card, it's the number one thing not to do in an argument. Because now it just looks funny.
  10. I can honestly say that if a young individual is exposed to lyrics like those, he will think that those things are acceptable if he starts to develop a liking or new found respect for the one saying them.
  11. Someone who got kicked by Calgary coming over here is a damning on that conference and team. But hey, at least teams who take the #1 seed don't have to worry about that.
  12. EU? Haha considering the EU actually had a fight for the playoffs until Vasteras dropped out (intelligently). Just stick to the NA games.
  13. 1st round.
  14. 1st round.
  15. Well done team! Not sure about those lines though
  16. But Devise he is somewhat right, if we decreased teams he'd be on the third line and get 30 points and would be frustrated beyond belief. Which is why this whole thing is stupid.
  17. I wasn't alluding to you leaving because you were second line. But saying I quit because of you is far far from the truth. You never even talked to me about that, so you are passing out an assumption. Regardless, it's a silly argument.
  18. What is the point in throwing out false stuff? I've dropped it. It's a silly argument.
  19. Haha oh a can of worms.
  20. Not at all. So just because he dislikes an art form that may be primarily performed by a certain race, it is automatically racist? I think not and if you were in court yourself you'd get laughed at for making such an uneducated assumption. Merica said he hates hip hop and rap because he doesn't like the views and base for it, he never said he hates a certain race. I hate when people play the race card no matter the argument, it's getting old.
  21. How in any way did he say anything racist? He said he doesn't like rap or hip hop, that doesn't make him a racist. Hip Hop and Rap are performed by all races in society, not sure how you came up with that one.
  22. So I will recap. Prout comes in and throws a hit on a Bruin, Lucic lost his stick when Prout threw the hit. Lucic doesn't like that and decides to throw two flying fists at Prouts neck area. Prout turns around and drops em with Lucic who gets one punched. Lucie gets up mad (like a baby) and while still clutching Dalton Prouts sweater, swipes a left at Prout's face. Then throws his gloves like a child in attempt to hit Lucic. Sounds like a bitch Jimmy, tell em what he's won!
  23. So much that you asked to be traded.
  24. Special shout out to "Machinehead" by Bush for being the driving force behind Phil's work.
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