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Everything posted by Kesler

  1. Kesler

    New Forum

    When can we expect lr access? And if you want I can do them....
  2. 1. Ive been wanting to post this for awhile now, but I unerstand. 2. My PS saves all sigs as gifs for some reason. And how did you fix the link?
  3. I edited the BG from the other one I made and I actually like how it turned out.
  4. That would be dope, do that.
  5. Kesler

    New Forum

    I tried that, didnt work :/
  6. Kesler

    New Forum

    It wont even let me edit my avy.
  7. Kesler

    New Forum

    Every time I try it it says oops error and says wrong extension.
  8. Kesler

    New Forum

    Can someone show me how to put a sig in my sig?
  9. Kesler

    New Forum

    If theres anything I can do I will do it.
  10. We gonna get a new banner?
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