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  1. Like
    Peace reacted to Shindigs for a status update, Post Draft Hype! Great to finally have a VHL home for Bo. Gonna keep up The STONKS in   
    Post Draft Hype! Great to finally have a VHL home for Bo. Gonna keep up The STONKS in the E this season. Then next season he'll try and protect poor @Doomsday from all those meta shots.
    Thanks for putting your faith in me @Peace!
  2. Sad
    Peace reacted to Stoffiday for a status update, Effective Immediately I'm stepping away from VHL. My addiction to the internet is ver   
    Effective Immediately I'm stepping away from VHL. My addiction to the internet is very great and has seeped too far into my real life. I will no longer be on discord either. I'm taking a break.
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