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Everything posted by Josh

  1. S90 Free Agency Discussions Open
  2. S89 Experience Points Allocated
  3. Any players who wish to purchase a S90 depreciation fighter from the Player Store will no longer be eligible to do so after this date: The 'Jaromir Jagr', Still Kicking, Old But Not Forgotten.
  4. S90 Deprecation
  5. All TPE earned, up to, and including, this date will affect salary brackets for S90.
  6. Any players who have earned 201 TPE or more, up to and including this date, will no longer be eligible to play in the VHLM for S90. Likewise any players who have earned 401 TPE or more, up to and including this date, will no longer be eligible to play in the VHLE for S90.
  7. S90 Off-Season Begins
  8. I'll fix it in like 6 seasons like last time.
  9. INDEX @Masu Chan @Zetterberg @Sjin @JB123 @Baby Boomer Let's go
  10. It's a flag on the user that normally gets auto-flipped once the user has 2 players that reach the threshold, but we can also set it manually. Basically anytime a non-pension player clicks the welfare button it re-evaluates to see if they should get pension now.
  11. Just shows up as ******* for me.
  12. You'd need to login to the portal before I can change it manually but yeah that's all we have to do.
  13. End of S89 Regular Season
  14. Feels like you end up beating me out on something every season so maybe it's my curse that shall be broken. jk it's definitely yours
  15. First career VHL hattrick
  16. Pretty close to an accurate description minus the twitch lol
  17. Back in a week, be good while I'm gone!
  18. Players may create for S91 VHL Entry Draft.
  19. until
    S89 Theme Week
  20. Josh

    Games: 78-95

    Love when a bot is the first up in the shootout
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