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Everything posted by Josh

  1. @Gustavyou're good to go now. Updated season and starting TPE.
  2. So due to the Terence Fong trophy being misattributed the following list of people were all just given an additional 1 TPE for having selected Moscow. If you happened to have selected Malmo then be happy that we let you keep yours :P.
  3. TBF it's entirely community run so... they can do whatever they want.
  4. VSN does not need a role colour. The mods didn't make the decision to modify the colours unilaterally either, it was a joint decision. With the addition of a whole new category of commissioners and GMs we don't have many distinct colour choices left and the simplest thing is to only have colours for those in management positions.
  5. No problem, I'll make sure the VHLM / VHLE rulebooks are edited to make sure this is clearer and consistent.
  6. This is exactly what it is though, the only time you are ever bumped up is at a cutoff. After the cutoff you are absolutely allowed to earn whatever you want and it won't change what league you are in (between the M and the E that is). If you go above 200 after the cutoff but before the season starts, a player is allowed to call themselves up to the VHLE but it's totally up to the player. A player in the VHLM can earn above 200 TPE during the season and just won't be able to apply it.
  7. Having more players at 200 TPA in the VHLM would just make this happen more.
  8. No, they shouldn't. We don't need more players in the M.
  9. Thanks for not tagging me. The actual rules (in the VHL rulebook) are:
  10. VHL Wordle https://vhl-wordle.herokuapp.com 6 2/6
  11. I'm quite surprised no one has suggested learning / playing an instrument yet! Also journaling
  12. Based on submissions for the initial pool of trivia questions, the following can all claim Trivia (Questions) for the amount listed next to their name. You may have submitted more questions and not received credit for them, this can be for a variety of reasons but if they are added to the pool later you will receive credit whenever that happens. Initial posting: https://vhlforum.com/topic/114512-the-vhl-is-in-need-of-trivia-questions/ @Enorama - 1 @der meister - 1 @Gustav - 2 @animal74 - 1 @Matt_O - 1 @Jtv123 - 1 @Joshothegreat - 1 @youloser1337 - 1 @BladeMaiden - 2 @thadthrasher - 1 @Rhynex Entertainment - 1 @LT.CHICKEN NUGGETS - 1 @fonziGG - 1 @UnkemptCL4PTP - 1 @MetalToday - 1 @The Domino Archives - 1
  13. I have the list of users who answered from Bek's post a few weeks ago and will provide them an update today.
  14. Hello! Thanks to @Dilwe now have Trivia built into the Portal! Information on it can be found here: The main change you'll notice is that there is now a pool of questions from which each person will get 2 randomly selected questions. We will still be giving out uncapped to anyone that submits a trivia question that is added to the pool. 1 uncapped TPE will be given per question added with a maximum of 2 uncapped being earned this way per season. If you experience any issues with the portal setup, please report them to @Dil. For any trivia related inquiries or to submit questions to be added to the pool, please contact the @Trivia Head.
  15. Josh

    Trivia Rules

    Trivia Rules Trivia is a supplementary point task. Each week you will be able to request and answer 2 questions, each correct answer is worth 1 TPE. A max of 2 TPE can be claimed for answering trivia questions in a single week. Correct answers are eligible to be claimed for the current week and two following weeks after which they will not be claimable. (3 weeks in total) How to play: In the VHL Portal, by clicking the "League" Tab followed by "Trivia", you can go to the Trivia Homepage. On the homepage, you can click the button to request a Trivia question. Once you have requested a trivia question, you can answer it anytime you wish, within that same week-ending. To claim trivia, go to the Trivia Homepage and check to see if you have any claimable Trivia questions in the list. If you do not see a list, despite having a correct trivia question, it is because you are not currently eligible to claim that TPE (due to the weekly TPE cap or the trivia limit). Although you can claim the trivia questions you get correct in a following week, you must still abide the max of 2 claims per week.
  16. VHL Wordle https://vhl-wordle.herokuapp.com 2 2/6
  17. Accurate, would really need to get more granular to have anything actionable come out of it. This should not be happening. I'm willing to follow up on this if you want to DM me.
  18. Congratulate @N0HBDY on getting this one, he's already got a solid head start given he submitted most of our suggestions lol.
  19. INDEX @VHL GMIt's that time again! Please review your rosters to make sure nothing is missed. I'll be able to fix anything early tomorrow morning so we should be good for the first sims tomorrow evening. Insert the copy pasta from Bek's post: I think that covers it, best of luck everyone. I'll be pinging the VHL Sim Alert role on discord before each sim so make sure you're signed up for that.
  20. Yes. Which is why I've stated that the harassment was the primary reason, is that not the additional information you wanted?
  21. No, that is not the type of harassment we are talking about. This wasn't a shoehorned thing and if it was, it wouldn't have had my approval.
  22. The incident that started the discussion was a long history of harassment of an individual and that was the primary motivator. Ruutu entirely skips over that point too which is frustrating.
  23. Josh

    VHL Rule Book

    Change Log (2021-01-26) Section 2 - Added 9th season under prime contract. Section 2.1 - Added Players in the VHLE to contracts that are excluded for salary cap purposes. Section 2.10 - Reworded to indicate players are called up to the VHLE at 201. Section 2.11 - Added Section 2.12 - Added Section 4.5 - Reworded to indicate that league approval must be given prior to FA starting. Section 5.1 - Reworded to add VHLE players are eligible. Section 7.1 - Removed Section 7.2 -> 7.1 - Restricted to off-season and changed send down target to VHLE. Section 7.3 -> 7.2 - Reworded to indicate players can only be called up if eligible for the VHL based on TPE. Section 7.3 - Added Section 14.1 - Removed the portion about claiming GM players in the draft.
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