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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Affects S77 / S78 / S79 Drafted Players.
  2. Any players who have earned 201 TPE or more, up to and including this date, will no longer be eligible to play in the VHLM for S84. Likewise any players who have earned 401 TPE or more, up to and including this date, will no longer be eligible to play in the VHLE for S84.
  3. All TPE earned, up to, and including, this date will affect salary brackets for S84.
  4. Any players who wish to purchase a S84 depreciation fighter from the Player Store will no longer be eligible to do so after this date: The 'Jaromir Jagr', Still Kicking, Old But Not Forgotten.
  5. S83 Experience Points Allocated
  6. Off-Season Begins
  7. Playoff Index @VHLM GMsorry for pinging you if you didn't make it Everything is the same as the regular season. Refer to that post for all your info. Good luck everyone!
  8. It's a small bug with ordering players, since they had 2 players in S76 it just picked the wrong one. I'll fix this tomorrow.
  9. If you were nicer I might even consider fixing it. Bottom of the list it goes. (also there's a place for bug reports you heathen)
  10. Game 29: San Diego Marlins vs Miami Marauders Game 30: Mississauga Hounds vs Philadelphia Reapers Game 31: Las Vegas Aces vs Houston Bulls Game 32: San Diego Marlins vs Saskatoon Wild Game 33: Houston Bulls vs Mississauga Hounds Game 34: Halifax 21st vs Ottawa Lynx Game 35: Ottawa Lynx vs Miami Marauders Game 36: Saskatoon Wild vs Mexico City Kings Game 37: Houston Bulls vs Las Vegas Aces Game 38: Mississauga Hounds vs Halifax 21st Game 39: Mexico City Kings vs Philadelphia Reapers Game 40: Miami Marauders vs San Diego Marlins STANDINGS
  11. I'm not really sure what the point of this red herring on cusswords is but please don't lose sight of the fact that sexualizing another member is strictly against the rules. Aside from that, I'm fine with a content advisory on content containing allowed, but not necessarily pleasant to everyone, words. I'd recommend:
  12. Game 15: Las Vegas Aces vs San Diego Marlins Game 16: Halifax 21st vs Philadelphia Reapers Game 17: Mexico City Kings vs Ottawa Lynx Game 18: Saskatoon Wild vs Houston Bulls Game 19: Mississauga Hounds vs Miami Marauders Game 20: Philadelphia Reapers vs Las Vegas Aces Game 21: Saskatoon Wild vs San Diego Marlins Game 22: Ottawa Lynx vs Halifax 21st Game 23: Miami Marauders vs Houston Bulls Game 24: Philadelphia Reapers vs Mexico City Kings Game 25: Halifax 21st vs Mississauga Hounds Game 26: Philadelphia Reapers vs Ottawa Lynx Game 27: San Diego Marlins vs Las Vegas Aces Game 28: Mexico City Kings vs Saskatoon Wild STANDINGS
  13. Game 1: Las Vegas Aces vs Mexico City Kings Game 2: Ottawa Lynx vs Saskatoon Wild Game 3: Mississauga Hounds vs Houston Bulls Game 4: San Diego Marlins vs Halifax 21st Game 5: Ottawa Lynx vs Philadelphia Reapers Game 6: Houston Bulls vs Miami Marauders Game 7: Halifax 21st vs San Diego Marlins Game 8: Mexico City Kings vs Las Vegas Aces Game 9: Philadelphia Reapers vs Mississauga Hounds Game 10: Miami Marauders vs Ottawa Lynx Game 11: Houston Bulls vs Saskatoon Wild Game 12: Las Vegas Aces vs Mexico City Kings Game 13: Saskatoon Wild vs Halifax 21st Game 14: Miami Marauders vs Mississauga Hounds STANDINGS
  14. INDEX @VHLM GM As mentioned during the hybrid attribute announcement, there is an 8 game pre-season included with this index. It should last about 3-4 days of simming. You'll also notice that bot attributes change (this will occur before the first sim likely), we are reducing their stats to ensure that low TPE members retain an edge over their bot counterparts. All lines will need to be submitted to me by using the Team Management section of the portal. Please make sure to grab the most recent client file before setting your lines up! Also ensure you have the most up to date version of the STHS Client (I believe it's version 3.3.2 at the moment). Waivers and trades will be processed before each sim so PLEASE ensure you update your lines to remove traded players and are messaging me your waiver placements. If trades result in invalid lines and I have no instructions, I will be using the partial auto generated lines to fix it. Please keep all communication about your lines in Discord DMs. I'll be streaming using this YouTube channel and providing links in Discord before each sim. Refer to the #roles channel for instructions on how to be notified. Best of luck to each of you this season!
  15. Gonna add favorite food first but this can be a fast follow. It's something we can look into, we were planning on putting retired jerseys in to the HoF first but that got lost in our development shuffle while dealing with the VHLE and meta fixes.
  16. Hi Members, Now that we've implemented the Hybrid attributes for our upcoming season, the Blue team has come up with a way to officially end the chapter of league history dominated by the meta. Due to the immense detrimental impact that the meta has had on the past 3 seasons, we will be resetting the league to it's state just prior to S80. All team and player stats related to the 80-82 seasons will be erased and each affected player will have their career lengths adjusted accordingly. You will notice that most of this data has already been deleted from the Portal but we're still going through the purge process. Don't worry, we won't be touching your TPE during this process. We know that some of you will be disappointed but overall we are making this change to punish Vancouver increase league enjoyment! More details to follow! - @Commissioner
  17. Hello @Members, It's time to let you all know that hybrid attributes are available on the Portal and should be fully functional! What this means for you: All skaters will need to rebuild their player. As seen in the announcement post here, every skater has been refunded all of their TPA. Keep in mind if your TPA =/= TPE it should be because of depreciation but please let us know of any discrepancies. Because the new system can be a bit confusing at first, we've created a tool to help plan your build ahead of time. Please find it under the "Player" menu listed as "TPA Tool". As with most new Portal features please let @Dil or I know of any issues you experience. Excited to start off this new league chapter with you all! - @Commissioner
  18. INDEX @VHL GM I plan to start on Thursday, March 10th so you have 48h to get your lines in. Live streams will be at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnvyyltNdRxKljanSti1aZw/ as usual for me. Good luck!
  19. @Ledge fixed season and starting TPE.
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