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    GlowyGoat reacted to efiug for a status update, im really just a piece of ham in a bacon world. damn.   
    im really just a piece of ham in a bacon world. damn.
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    GlowyGoat got a reaction from Berocka for a status update, #OverthrowGustav   
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    GlowyGoat reacted to Gustav for a status update, Putting something here so you can see something other than Dil   
    Putting something here so you can see something other than Dil
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    GlowyGoat reacted to Eudaldkp for a status update, Sorry everyone! I had a very rough patch where I almost didn't even think about loggi   
    Sorry everyone! I had a very rough patch where I almost didn't even think about logging in. I'd rather not share the details but I'm glad to be back!
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