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Everything posted by diacope

  1. A ton of icetime available in SDM!

  2. Whhwhshwbk2o272y2g2n3m3k3i387273737372hdbjdjdkdkd8373h3kd8e jdjdhddh

  3. Yay! Already said my thanks before but I'll say it again. Love all the brightness and a good mix of color. LETS GOOOOO Thank you
  4. 4th line time 2nd d pairing in ottawa if you want in just say go Lynx go baby
  5. Like any other morning Chikeen Nugett got up and checked on his team during practice, looked over paperwork and sipped on a coffee from Tim Horton's.. But this season it's been different and with a new assistant in the building who prefers to do things a little different, it's been a great change of pace and now instead of just sip noises echoing the office during the day we also hear crunching louder than bass, together the two continue to work harder than ever and in the process create beats without even knowing it, as meetings go on during the day and each new associate that enters the room they seemed to dance off or even sing a tune on their way out, oblivious to it all the two shrug it off and go home for the night to it all over again. During practices it's the same response from their players, groovy on the bluelines and ballarina style around the netting, in the corners of the arena we see groups huddled around spitting bats at each other, again both managers like the effort and carry on sipping and smashing back the donuts.. Is this the secret to their success early on? Who Knows! I'm just a fan who snuck in through the open door #215words #claimingfor1tpe #triviatrickedme @Jason kranz
  6. Seems like everytime we score the other team scores multiple goals xD Maybe we should stop celebrating so hard out there lol Nice to see Lindbergh get a shutout thiugh
  7. Coffee time again

  8. @ThatCanadian Welcome back friendo We have no room for forwards in Ottawa at this time but wish you the best of luck
  9. Weren't you the one who wanted to bring down the E hahahahahahahahhahahah times changes eh
  10. Sick player name! @Markusbg! We need blueliners in Ottawa so cant offer you a contract GL and have fun
  11. Happy to have ya! No room left in Lynx territory but I wish you the best of luck
  12. I am growing very energetic with how awesome Busser is :)

  13. Keep shooting Toronto!
  14. Welcome to the league, happy to have ya @Raij
  15. Ok ok ok, we can do this
  16. Welcome there's no room for forwards in Ottawa but I wish you the best of luck and hope you find ways to have more fun than you expected! "See you on the ice" - Chikeen Nugett (GM of the Ottawa Lynx)
  17. Indoor tomato plants are growing flowers, success!

  18. Cool profile pic Welcome, have fun and of course... GOOD LUCK *Ottawa has no room to sign another forward
  19. Poop in my hands and call me Larry
  20. I haven't done one of these in a few seasons now but what the heck I'll need an article for next week anyway.. Definitley the last thing I can provide for the team before I'm overworked With the same names but different players.. Best Even Strength Player RW John @John CimarnoRichards #18 It's been and up and down week for youngster John Richards after being shocked when his name called earlier than expected during the draft, making him have to be ready quicker and then after being named the new Ottawa Lynx leader it was clear Richards was ready to cover all areas. In this stretch he stepped up to be a defender on the blueline, tried different linemates and spent almost every minute on the ice playing on every unit in every position, during this time John proved to be more than just a scorer and lead by example in every department even if he didn't have the highest totals on even strength chances. Previous Winners (S81): Vomacka x2, Coiner x2 Lajeunesse, Buzzer, Live Best PP/PK Player RW Ben Dover #69 Joining the team as the 4th San Diego Marlin to enter the locker room Ben Dover knew his role and quickly got to business, providing good locker room input and early earning. During the week it wasn't any of the top guns to really make something happen on our powerplay and without the second unit which had Dover leading the way we may not have won a few games, shooting the most shots and having the most points to show the coaches that there's more stars on the team. Previous Winners (S81): Laperriere, Live, Hagstrom, Torq, Dvorak, Vomacka, Lajeunesse Team Workhorse LW Sadie @sadie St-Louis #26 Coming into the situation with one of the best builds on the team and plenty of activity to go with it early in the season.. We haven't really seen the high caliber offense we are used to seeing from Sadie St-Louis when it matters. But with fans cheering her on and a team with full support that shouldn't be an issue, if Sadie had some more puck luck things would be different because she leads he team in shots and has about 33% of them so far.. Don't look at the shooting percentage though. Previous Winners (S81): Nugget x2 Dvorak, Torq, Buzzer, Vomacka, Live Cleanest Player RW Timothy @Timmy30Swearingen #55 Signing with the team as a free agent just a few days after the draft.. Big forward Timothy Swearingen quickly got to business trying to soak in every bit of information and did his best to apply it on the ice as quick as possible. After a slow start and a few line changes Swearingen rose up and made some big hits that eventually lead him to be part of a few timely goals later in the week but did it all without getting his hands dirty, spending zero minutes in the penalty box! Previous Winners (S81): Clarke x3 Live, LeBlanc, Laperriere, Hagstrom Game Changer LW Cash @glass Aleksic #00 Cash Aleksic has yet to send a message in the Lynx locker room so fingers crossed on that but they have already made a difference for us on the ice on many different place. The brightest spot in Aleksic's game would be the ability to ride the wave and find spots to score whenever everyone else is tired out, scoring 3 game winners, a tying goal and a shootout gem it was easy to know who changed the game for us this week on many occasions while boosting their linemates in the process. Previous Winners (S81): Nu x2, Laperriere x2 Dvorak, Buzzer, Vomacka Best Crease Effort G Fuukka @Jubis Rask #40 Oh boy we haven't had many games from our backup yet but the efforts put in from returning player Fuukka Rask was phenomenal and only helped frustrate the other teams as we went at them with no blueliners. One game that stands out is the effort against the Philadelphia Reapers where Fuukka stopped 26 straight shots and kept us in it until the final score of 2-1, ending the night with a save percentage of .971 and 33 total saves. Previous Winners (S81): Nu x6 Wumbo
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