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    Spaz reacted to dasboot for a status update, Like this post if you want your name included in a VHL Christmas song 🎅 🎄   
    Like this post if you want your name included in a VHL Christmas song 🎅🎄
  2. Fire
    Spaz reacted to diacope for a status update, RIIIIIIGGAAAAAAAAA WOOOOO LETS GO REIGN!   
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    Spaz reacted to BarzalGoat for a status update, Do we know who on this site has the most posts without ever winning a day? I'd like t   
    Do we know who on this site has the most posts without ever winning a day? I'd like to think that myself who is at like 1500+ without ever winning a day must be in the conversation. Like this so i win today ty
  4. Haha
    Spaz got a reaction from Ricer13 for a status update, I find it wierd to see that people actually visit my profile lmao   
    I find it wierd to see that people actually visit my profile lmao
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    Spaz reacted to Gustav for a status update, What's something fun you've done (or plan to do) this summer?   
    What's something fun you've done (or plan to do) this summer?
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