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Everything posted by Caboose30

  1. Ok second time is the charm VOTE EAGLES still at work sorry can't be of much help rn.
  2. Vote Eagles. At work right now so cant talk much. But if the consensus is to hang Eagles then I'll plod along
  3. Bruh... I legit said.... nevermind yes I suck at chess. The king are those small pieces at the front right?
  4. Madness, chaos and a ton of bullshit? I'm in
  5. In, never played online but for reference I was told by a local chess instructor I could probably win the state high school championship
  6. I did a thing
  7. Yall are making a mistake. Itd be a shame if this costs you the game
  8. How long can you trust them to be on your side?
  9. Or you know become Vamps?
  10. What happens if the Mayor or Jailor dies?
  11. What if im not actually a vet and just saying that as cover so people wouldnt be ballsy enough to visit me?
  12. @Spartanwho did you transport me with?
  13. I was transported but w/e y'all are being real stupid.
  14. Before that though I will say this @Mr_Hatter you jailing me is a complete and utter waste of your time
  15. But Imma just go back to being quiet and doing my own thing, because evidently the moment I open my mouth to start talking is the moment people start trying to murder me. I made two comments before today and no one said jack shit about me being evil. Now all of the sudden I start talking and "Oh Caboose is evil, lets kill him"
  16. You know people say that all the time regardless if I'm telling the truth so those words have lost meaning to me
  17. Well if Eagles is going to advocate for my death then I'm gonna go ahead and UNVOTE LEDGE If you're so concerned about me murdering people then go ahead and vote me out. Otherwise leave me alone.
  18. @omgitshimis Jailor a TL in your games or not?
  19. Hatter is wasting his time doing that
  20. Jailor is a Town Leader not TK
  21. Sounds like a you problem then. You ever stop to think maybe theyve got you fooled?
  22. Yall might die tonight if you visit me. Just sayin
  23. I am what I am and my will is none of your concern right now
  24. Vote Ledge
  25. Oh btw mafia. I heard Sia is offering cheap thrills at my place tonight. You should come visit
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