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VHLM Commissioner
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Everything posted by Spartan

  1. confirm
  2. Been playing hockey since I could walk. My dad played/plays(?) in the NHL for the Pittsburgh Penguins, so I grew up with a hockey stick in my hand and skates on my feet.
  3. Cheers folks, glad to be here. Came here on the word of McHornet and BladeMaiden, also just joined EFL a couple days ago. Big Pens fan so get your bitchin' and moanin' out now, will only accept whining about our greatness for the next 24 hours, after that you're free to go back to complaining about why your team sucks Anyways, looking forward to the draft on Monday and will try to rack up some TPE until then. Hoping to make Alex Letang the next great d-man!
  4. Player Information Username: Spartan Player Name: Alex Letang Recruited From: Member (McWolf on Discord) Age: 19 Position: D Height: 72 in. Weight: 180 lbs. Birthplace: Canada Player Page @VHLM GM
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