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Everything posted by rory

  1. Could leave the door to a forger open
  2. I wouldn't be shocked if the maf was pushing lemorse to prevent him from igniting them n2 and then I did them a favour anyways
  3. I reckon it's a consort RBing dooms. I'm gonna vote @Cartripp14 for a claim
  5. Lemorse claimed attacked if we believe that.
  6. Can we get all 7 games tomorrow? The E finished so long ago.
  7. Yeah buddy, which one of the two are you going with? First or second claim
  8. @jhatty8 what role you going with here buddy
  9. Did we get one TI that got killed N1? The fuck you all doing
  10. The will seems like something eagles would write though, so that’s what leans me away from forger
  11. My honest guess is jester, his first message was about watching a movie, then 3 hours later sheriff, then an hour later TK
  12. Any escort claim is consort. Hatty was jailed and there wasn’t a mafia kill, and he was acting like an ass in jail. TPs stay on me.
  13. Exeing all TP LO Escort claims that aren’t on me. Prepare to get CARRIED town.
  14. Jailor here TP/LO/Escort on me
  15. shore (i investigate eagles)
  16. how'd you fuck up the playoff tree @N0HBDY
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