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Everything posted by chikn

  1. 1. Would you rather go to the beach, discover a new city, or chill in the countryside? Discovering a city would be pretty cool, I feel like I can go to the beach whenever I want. 2. What's the best food you've ever eaten outside of your hometown/home country? I can't really think of something amazing I've had outside of my hometown or country, but an interesting food that was really good that I've tried before is lobster grilled cheese. 3. What super-touristy thing did you do that was surprisingly awesome? When I was in Cuba I went on a guided hike to a fresh water cave and went swimming there and it was supper pretty and fun and surprisingly awesome! 4. How do you feel about cruises? I've never been on one but id imagine they are fun. 5. What is your most valuable travel possession? My hair straightener and mascara 6. Describe your dream travel experience. Going to an all inclusive resort and spa with a beachside front, plus a pool and hot tub, also I would want to spend a few days sightseeing.
  2. This is shaping up to be a long offseason. How are you coping with it? It has actually been pretty relaxing, this long off season has given me time to say goodbye to Bratislava and pack all my stuff before I move to Warsaw for the vhl! The conference finals in the European Conference are still going. Game 7 tonight. Moscow or Warsaw? Warsaw all the way!!! Are you looking forward to any of the offseason tournaments? Not really, I don't usually pay much attention to offseason tournaments. Give a shout-out to one of your teammates. Who was our MVP? I think Fraser Wallace deserves the MVP. In honor of the World Cup of Hockey. Would you rather win the NHL on your favorite team or the World Cup with your country? Probably the world cup with my country. Let's talk serious stuff. Where will Cristiano Ronaldo end up? I don't follow soccer that closely so I have no clue.
  3. We're a third of the season in. We're now going full tilt and have reached the top positions in the standings. What's the secret to this team? We just have the best players in the league What's your go-to mid-game snack? Fruit! Cherries, Pineapple, Apples, Grapes etc.! Who do you think will be fighting for the cup in the VHLE? Obviously us! And maybe Istanbul. Last week, the weather was all over the place in Portugal, but now it has found consistency... at 40ºC. How can I keep my cool while working? Drink lots of ice water and stay hydrated. Also getting a fan will help. @Greg_Di has gone around Bratislava and got to know parts of town, but he was alone. Will you accompany him next time? Of course! I'd love to explore Bratislava From the places he visited (check here), where would you like to have gone? I would like to visit the Bratislava castle because he made it sound amazing, and I would love to experience that amazing view he talked about for myself!
  4. F- Zach Kisslinger II @Beketov
  5. Sign up and can be GM again
  6. 1. Feeling excited! I'm so glad we made it as far as we did! 2. I am a bit nervous but I'm proud of our team no matter what ♡ 3. Not really, maybe Cologne will win 1 game if they're lucky, but that's it. 4. Nope, not sure who to pick. 5. Sadly I claimed welfare before I realized It was theme week:( First theme week I've ever missed since being in the vhl so I'm super sad. 6. I don't really know much about the NBA but GO CELTICS! lol
  7. 1. The team made some moves on the deadline and the record has improved. Are you confident about making the playoffs? I already know me made the playoffs and I'm super happy! 2. Do you have any thoughts on the 20-game minimum limit the backup goaltender has to play during the VHLE's regular season? I think that's pretty fair because I think everyone should get a chance to play, and you cant get better if you don't play. 3. We're most definitely a team-first group and that's something we see stat-wise. But who would you say has played best this season? Alf Larsson is probably the best player on out team. 4. How many points are we going to get out of the remaining games and why is it 8? We will get more then 8! But if we ONLY get 8 then its your fault;) 5. What's your favorite type of pizza? (I'm treating this as an experiment, if you don't answer with the original Neapolitan-style pizza, please tell me why!) I have no clue what Neapolitan style pizza is lol But my favorite pizza is Hawaiian pizza (don't hate). 6. What's your favorite (tv/streaming) show right now? All I ever do is watch Netflix, and I finish shows within a week so I don't have a fave, but I'm looking for a new show right now to become it.
  8. 1. Which team has been surprising so far in the season? I guess Cologne express has surprised me since they are doing pretty good. 2. Here's the situation: You're 1 on 1 with a defender, what's the move you make? Fake a shot, go around them, then dump the puck into the net. 3. What do you think could help spice up the locker room? Not really sure, we need to discuss common interests so that we can actually have things to talk about without effort. 4. Who's got the best fashion on the team? Definitely me people on the team can learn a thing or 2 about fashion from me 5. What's the funniest thing you have seen on the ice in the E? After someone scored, the whole team started to do a synchronized dance which was very funny. 6. If you were to choose an NHL video-game archetype for your player (i.e. Two-Way, Power, Enforcer, Sniper), what would it be? I would choose a sniper because i want to be the type of player that can carry the puck up the ice, but also snipe the puck into the net.
  9. 1. Who do you think is the team to beat so far in the VHLE? The watchman are a pretty good team so probably them. 2. Who's your early pick for VHLE MVP? Probably Escobar considering that he's the current point leader. 3. If you could compare your player to any NHL player, who would it be? Vasile Lamb because he's my favorite player and roll model. 4. Now that we are in the middle of the season, what do you think of the hybrid attributes? Im not liking them at all. I hate seeing low numbers on all the attributes and it takes way too much tpe to increase anything. 5. What's the goal for your player after this season? I'm most likely going to play in the E again and hopefully I'm much better next season and scoring more goals. 6. Have to ask this: Who's your pick for the Stanley Cup? I think I picked Callorado.
  10. 1. What do you think of your player's performance so far, and where do you want to improve? I'm very disappointed in my player I need to improve on EVERYTHING. 2. Has the team's performance surprised you in any way? Not really, this is kinda where I expected us to be. 3. Who do you think has made the biggest impact so far, both on and off of the ice? No one really stands out too big to me at the moment, I think we could all improve but we are also all just trying our best. 4. What do you think of the captain selections for this season, any surprises? I'm happy with our captain selections, no surprises. 5. What are the items that you wish you brought along to Rome for the season? All my pets! I'm missing them so much right now! 6. What does your pre-game playlist look like? Whatever song gets everyone else hyped gets me hyped
  11. This pick still counts but you're also up for your last pick right now. Don't let yourself get skipped or I'll have to dq you!! 11 hrs left to make your last pick!!!
  12. @Mr_Hatteryou're skipped @BrutalBoostyou're up!
  13. No worries, we'll skip you if your time is up but you can still make your pick whenever you're able to. Hope she's ok, stay safe! Also since you're last you technically have 24hrs to make your last picks so dw too much;)
  14. 1. New AGM Speaking: What do you think of the hire? Glad to finally have an AGM! 2. What are your expectations for yourself this season? Not really expecting to do that great, but I'm hoping I'm wrong! 3. How's it like living in Rome? Its a big change from Japan but I don't hate it. 4. With a few games being played in the pre-season so far, how has your new build turned out? I think its alright so far. 5. What's something you want to work on this season? Scoring, Scoring, Scoring!!!! 6. If you could instantly learn a skill, what would it be? Speaking every language.
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