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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. ^^ Ok that makes sense, I think this is all worth the hang just to confirm a lot of different things. IF he is actually spy then we at least know some confirmed non coven
  2. There is no harm in shooting him just to see, worst case is just that nothing happens
  3. why is that, I'm not following
  4. well then in that case I did you a favor so you are welcome It's very possible you aren't a survivor anyway
  5. As much as I hate to think this might be an exe play, it would at least confirm some non town members for us if he is actually spy. Vote Big Al
  6. Actually it is possible that the Coven Leader controlled Hatter into the Medusa, so certainly possible there were 3 coven visits. Scratch that
  7. because you aren't a member of town and it doesn't matter to me if you win. Also survivor is often a claim of neutral killing or some other role so I think it's important it gets put out that. If we confirm you as survivor we can work together to win
  8. So there are five coven roles: Coven Leader - Can control a player at night - as far as I see no one has claimed being controlled, so coven leader did not visit anyone? Hex Master - Could have hexed someone and visited Medusa - Is not able to visit until they get the necro Necromancer - Doesn't visit people, uses a dead persons role against someone Poisoner - Is able to visit people, so either the poisoner visited someone who is immune or they don't have a poisoner, as no one died Potion Master - Could have used a revealing potion With no one claiming to be controlled, are we even sure coven visited 3 people last night?
  9. We have 4 random town spots, so him telling us he is vigi solves nothing right now as far as hanging. He can whisper me his role tonight and if he is vigi we can go from there and it's still a secret
  10. @diacope I am jailor whisper me your role tonight
  11. don't answer that @diacope stop pushing people for roles they can whisper me
  12. @GustavMattias Game mechanics question. In creating the game, are each of the five coven completely separate roles, or is it possible for there to be say a repeat of 2 medusas or 2 poisoners?
  13. @Devise get in here and claim.
  14. don't do that yet no need to make some important roles public yet, everyone can whisper me for now
  15. Bridges already said he is doctor (which I wish he hadn't), so I am listing it on there. But yea town protective please keep quiet and just whisper it to me
  16. Whoever our transporter is, I'm thinking you can help protect one of our town investigative. Please transport one of the following: Jhatty or Spartan or BigAl with one of the following: MMflex Nyko or someone else who hasn't talked much
  17. 1x JAILOR - ContinentalCup036 confirmed 2x TOWN PROTECTIVE - Alex Bridges claims doctor 2x TOWN SUPPORT - Caboose Mayor confirmed, 2x TOWN INVESTIGATIVE - Jhatty claims investigator, Spartan claims investigator 1x TOWN KILLING - Barzalgoat claims vigi 4x RANDOM TOWN - BigAl claims spy - just about confirmed, A Transporter is confirmed 1x COVEN LEADER 4x RANDOM COVEN 1x NEUTRAL EVIL 2x RANDOM NEUTRAL - Doomsday claims survivor 1x ANY
  18. oh good point actually don't do that
  19. I would rather investigators look at people with no claims yet
  20. I don't want the investigators to bother with Doom or Barzal tonight. I'm making up the list of all roles currently and I think I have some different ideas in mind I want them to check out. If the investigators announce ahead of time who they are visiting, we could potentially find the medusa
  21. You whispered me your role of vigilante last night. I want you to perform your role tonight, and please shoot Doomsday. Doom claims survivor and if he is survivor he will vest himself and survive. If not he will die.
  22. exactly, so if coven leader wants to hex me into killing mayor then go ahead. Lookout will just tell me who he is and we can hang him. Fair trade IMO. Also, if anyone is claiming medium find out who hatter was and who he visited so we can find medusa
  23. Also, lookout please whisper me your results from being on me night one so I can confirm who the town protective are. Let's say 2 town protective were on me last night. Any new person who visits me and I get controleld would then be the coven leader or witch
  24. No I want the lookout on me at last one more night. Since I am guarding the mayor there is always the possibility coven leader tries to hex me into killing the mayor by controlling me. If he does that, the lookout will be on me and easily able to confirm who that is. Lookout, stay on me again tonight
  25. good Everyone report if you were transported, witched, or roleblocked please
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