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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. Small sample size there is still a lot of season left friend. Also, I am not sure why you are so salty about this. It's not like we were drafted to Prague and forced our way out or anything. We made our thought process pretty clear to you guys, and I wish you guys good luck in the seasons to come (just not against me!)
  2. bernard plz
  3. Move Andrew Su up to the first line what a beast
  4. Jungkok VAancouver goalie
  5. Ready to day N2 again
  6. please don't upgrade your fighting attribute lol Gritty already punched a kid he is good in that regard
  7. LOL New York Sux
  8. Yikes poor Shawn - those are some awful trades though back in my day the guy everyone wanted to trade with was kesler or jala
  9. Get out of here with your facts and logic
  10. Moscow without Jaguar will be a truly sad time ;(
  11. So I will pop into discord for like 5-10 minutes, but it's almost like a full time job keeping up with what everyone is saying there half the time. And that is just the general chat. We also have a discord room bot for seemingly everything under the sun with a pokemon discord, dog discord, gambling discord, politics discord. Then I am also a part of team discords. I am also annoyed that every time you join a new discord, you get pinged for every single comment in every single discord post in the different subsections of that discord. First thing I always do is turn pings onto being tagged only, otherwise my phone would be blowing up with discord pings all day. Also, for some reason discord is way easier to navigate on my phone than my laptop, as I can never find where things are on laptop discord.
  12. 1) Gritty has performed about as expected carrying two rookie wingers on the 2nd line 2) We have the best defense and a good goalie, and everyone knows defense wins championships 3) I wouldn't know as I have just joined the team but Moscow seems way more active 4) I just joined Vancouver so don't know for sure but it seems like it is Seattle 5) I just joined but I hope it's NYA because I hate them 6) I would make myself a full time moderator on discord because I would be the best ever
  13. LOL like I said Seattle is not making playoffs
  14. Smitty gritty @Phil
  15. What happens in 100 years when every name has been used
  16. Would I break the sim if I named my next player Gritty as well lol
  17. What happens if I refuse to recognize the significance of the auto retirement?
  18. So I've been thinking, you know how I always joked with Gritty and Beaviss about having Gritty make an early retirement? What if now that I am on Vancouver again I do the opposite and just refuse to retire. If I don't hit the retirement button and don't create a new player, will anyone notice if I just keep going with Gritty another season? I would be like the opposite of Da Trifecta, in never retiring my player instead of always retiring him after only like 3 seasons. I could be starting a new trend in the VHL, and instead of going with Project Player 2 I might just go with Project Never Retire. Let me know in the comments if you are with me, as it is finally time someone fights the power around here! On a side note, if any of you haven't seen the video of Gritty throwing ping pong balls into cups, it is adorable and go check it out.
  19. Fair enough, of all the things in the world I could argue with you about, the 5th player in the shootout is very low on the list haha
  20. No offense to tfong but why is he ahead of me? Did Kim Jong Un make you do this?
  21. Good win Smitty and boys! @Beaviss why I am not higher in the shooutout lineup
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