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  1. Like
    Mashy got a reaction from rory for a status update, I have just been signed by the Saskatoon Wild, I am very excited and very honoured to   
    I have just been signed by the Saskatoon Wild, I am very excited and very honoured to join this team. I see a bright future ahead of us and can’t wait to help us win games. Lets go Wild! #Saskybois
  2. Fire
    Mashy got a reaction from Beaviss for a status update, I have just been signed by the Saskatoon Wild, I am very excited and very honoured to   
    I have just been signed by the Saskatoon Wild, I am very excited and very honoured to join this team. I see a bright future ahead of us and can’t wait to help us win games. Lets go Wild! #Saskybois
  3. Fire
    Mashy got a reaction from FrostBeard for a status update, I have just been signed by the Saskatoon Wild, I am very excited and very honoured to   
    I have just been signed by the Saskatoon Wild, I am very excited and very honoured to join this team. I see a bright future ahead of us and can’t wait to help us win games. Lets go Wild! #Saskybois
  4. Like
    Mashy got a reaction from Blazzer for a status update, I have just been signed by the Saskatoon Wild, I am very excited and very honoured to   
    I have just been signed by the Saskatoon Wild, I am very excited and very honoured to join this team. I see a bright future ahead of us and can’t wait to help us win games. Lets go Wild! #Saskybois
  5. Like
    Mashy got a reaction from diacope for a status update, I have just been signed by the Saskatoon Wild, I am very excited and very honoured to   
    I have just been signed by the Saskatoon Wild, I am very excited and very honoured to join this team. I see a bright future ahead of us and can’t wait to help us win games. Lets go Wild! #Saskybois
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