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N0HBDY last won the day on April 25

N0HBDY had the most liked content!


About N0HBDY

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    Thor Reingaard
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    The part of Sams brain that knows English.

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  1. Has your update ever been denied by anyone other than Spartan?

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    2. nurx


      yeah because I duped it

    3. Gaikoku-hito


      Yes, I have been denied twice by two different updaters only to have them over-turned as they were good when reviewed. Also I think one was due to missing link and another for incomplete link. Other one was word count due to using Japanese in article so it word count was cut in half due to the Japanese being viewed as symbols rather than letters.

    4. Gustav


      I think I've been denied three times. 


      Once in my first season when I said "upvoted" in a Reddit recruitment thread and didn't specify which specific post(s) I upvoted, even though everyone did that both before and since.

      Once far later (like a year ago maybe) for my .com article not being on-topic enough. I disagreed with it enough and was petty enough to make the article that was approved about how I didn't like the decision, but I guess the reasoning was fair.

      Once a couple seasons ago for linking directly to my affiliate check claim in my update rather than posting in the affiliate check thread. I figured that would make it one less click to verify that I did the thing, but apparently following meaningless procedures is important to some.


      The most fair one of those was Spartan (the others weren't) and I've never been denied for word count 🙃

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