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Posts posted by AIM-11

  1. Can't work electronics because you're a girl?  So they pay well (relatively speaking, for the US - I mean 8 bucks/hr is still really poor), but that's flat out sexism.  Not to mention if I was running a store I'd want a girl behind the tills to drive up sales for the gamer boys...

  2. I think it's dumb to start calling people names like douchebag just because you're not a fan of the way they respond to your messages.


    You said: Calling someone a douchebag because they're acting like a douchebag is one thing.


    I say:  Calling someone a cumguzzling horsefucker because they are acting like a cumguzzling horsefucker is the same thing.


    Now, if you'd rather discuss Target and the job market then let's do that, otherwise we can keep doing this, but I have a feeling it's not really what either of us are interested in doing today.

  3. Sure, then it goes both ways.  If someone feels the need to call me a douchebag then don't get all surprised if someone else calls you a piece of shit, you piece of shit.  You'll just have to get used to a world where everyone doesn't have nice pretty edges and say things the way you want them to. 


    I fully support the right of someone to call me a douchebag as long as I am allowed that same personal attack on pieces of cunt garbage like you right?

  4. I'm already on nice setting.  Sandro has some sort of animal that likes to crawl up his ass and control his mouth.  There is some sort of Pavlovian response whenever I post things that erupts out of his cakehole which turns him into pure asshole mode.  Not sure what it is. 


    I only brought up Canucks fans because I know it'll get his panties all twisted and it's fun to see him squirm.


    Let's get all serious here for a moment.  The world is full of people who have different opinions.  I don't care if you have a different opinion.  It's totally fine by me.  I'm a little rough around the edges, just like many other people around here.  I don't pussyfoot around pretending to all sweet and kind.  We're a bunch of guys hanging out and chatting about things and sometimes we use terms that wouldn't make it on the evening news.  You want to say stupid crap, go for it, it's no skin off my back.


    However, if you want to call me a douchebag (which he did) then you can have it back at you in full force.  Sandro.  Fuck off.

  5. Are you a douchebag by nature, or do you just get off on doing it while you have the anonymity of the internet in front of you?


    For the record, most people will be working for the money Target is "giving" them unless their stores close early. It's not a severance package at all.


    I spend a lot of time around Canucks fans, sorry it rubs off on me you fucking piece of shit loser who still works at Target.

  6. Hope you're firing your resume off Sandro.  I'd suggest you go work in the oilfield but they are laying people off now as well.  Just got off the phone with my mom who works as a VP for a big oil company and basically her schedule is flying back and forth between the US and Canada letting people go in groups of 30+ every second day. Hilarious.  In a year it'll all be back to normal though, so now would be a time to go get your tickets while you have the money Target is giving you.

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