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Posts posted by Anthique

  1. 1. Turns out I forgot to post a press conference this week! What do you think took me so long??

    You watched NHL hockey every night and the Cup Memorial too! Too much hockey haha!


    2. If your player wasn't into hockey, what else would they be doing?

    Working in bank!


    3. Do you think the VHLM should implement a Hall of Fame?

    No, players don't have a long career habitually, and those who have one do it on purpose so no glory in that.

    4. If you needed to name a new VHLM team, where would it go?

    The M in is America, so Québec or Montréal.


    5. What would you name your new VHLM team?

    I honestly have no idea, but I would try to bring back so hold names that were used in real life.


    6. When will Ottawa get our first win?

    Game sin it already happened haha! But Cup win it will sadly not be this season with how it goes so far.

  2. 1. How do you think our team is looking after the recent draft?

    Now that I'm the team, we are looking way better hahaha!


    2. Did you get drafted to any other leagues or was the VHLM your first draft?

    With this player, first draft. Probably gonna go to the VHLE next season and will be drafted in that league and the VHL.


    3. Do you have any questions for me?

    Humm for now not really, maybe later in the season!


    4. What do you think the most important position in hockey is?

    A center that is doing everything on the ice (offense, defense, faceoffs, physical, skating), and having great leadership.


    5. How do you think the Lynx could improve?

    A bit more offensive? We don't help our goalie that much, but we can't score either.


    6. Do you think we'll be as good as last season with 50 wins again?

    Humm with the start we have, not sure. We gonna have to wake up.

  3. 1. How is the Junior Showcase Tournament going for your player so far?  Are you performing as well as you would have hoped/expected?

    The tournament was great for Desjardins, at least at the start of it. After that opponent were watching him more closely and he had difficulties to continue his offensive production. That shows in the "playoffs" where he was almost invisible on the score sheet.


    2. What has your offseason experience been like? Fun, exciting, boring, slow, full of anticipation for the draft?

    Kinda okay! Some teams talked to me about the VHLM Draft. We'll see what happen! Probably going in the first round, but we never know.


    3. With the drafts upcoming for the VHL, VHLE, and VHLM, are there any teams that you really want to be drafted by?

    In the M, I don't really have a preference, so anything can happen!


    4. With the Junior Showcase Tournament regular season done, how do you think the Steel will fair in the playoffs?

    I already know the results, and they are not that good :(


    5. Is your favorite NHL team still in the Stanley Cup Playoffs and do you think they have a chance to win it all?

    Pittsburgh didn't make it, but I want Dallas to win since the start of the playoffs and they have a really good chance.


    6. Fun Question: If you were a ghost, how would you haunt people? 

    Scare them when the watch scary movies!

  4. 1. Going into the offseason, what do you believe Davos needs to become competitive once more?

    For real the team have so much good prospects that I think the only thing the team is missing is a stellar goalie.


    2. How would you reflect on your player’s season individually? Is there anything you would’ve wanted to improve on or see from them?

    It was the last season of my player so I didn't expect a big offensive production, and 47 points is not that bad. Can't really improve something at this point haha! 


    4. Did you sign up for the ProAm tournament this offseason?

    Humm not yet, don't know if I will. IF you need a dman let me know.


    5. In a Game 7 shootout situation, which active VHL starting goalie would you want in net for you?

    Related to question 1, Lachlan Summers is still amazing and even it will be his last season, I trust him at 100% to be my goalie to win the game.


    7. Thoughts on this year’s NHL draft lottery? 

    No change in the order for the first time since like 2016? Good for the Sharks, let's see if Chicago will pick Demidov to play with Bedard.


    8. Have you ever met a professional athlete before? If so, who was it?

    I've met some hockey players to get their autograph, all of them were really nice person. They are a bit bigger in person too haha!

  5. 1. Are you In the JST? Bonus question: If so what team?

    Yes with the Steel! Good production so far with 4 pts in 5 games.


    2. What day should I do press conferences?

    At the beginning of the week!


    3. Do you have a favorite NHL team?

    Montréal and Pittsburgh mostly. Los Angeles and Colorado too.


    4. Do you watch any sports?

    Outside of hockey not that much.


    5. What is in your opinion the most important stat to upgrade?

    Defense first and I'm going Shooting after that.


    6. Were you happy with the amount of ice time you saw?

    Yup can't complain here while I was on the time for the last week.

  6. 1. The season is over and we missed the playoffs, kind of sad but was a rebuilding season, so with that, my first question is: Who do you think will win it all?

    I will go with Ottawa on this one!


    2. Playoffs are going on in the NHL too so who do you have winning the Stanley Cup? (bonus: In how many games?)

    I have Dallas winning it, but they have to go through Vegas and Colorado so it will not be easy...


    3. How do you think I have done as an AGM?

    I come up late with the team, so nothing bad to say haha!


    4. Were you happy with how our season was based on our team?

    Yeah it when alright! Being a point per game player coming late in the season is really nice!


    5. With the season finished it's time to look ahead to next season and that leads me to the 5th question: Is there any specific team you want to be on next season?

    Not really! It would be fun to win the Cup (whatever it is in the VHLM), but going into a active team would be even better.


    6. Are you eligible for the VHL and VHLE drafts? 

    Nope, it will be next season! Gotta be draft in the VHLM first ;)

  7. When I created my first player, I wanted to keep the part of my French heritage so even if Quebec is not a country, seeing that France was one I had no choice but to create a player with a French name. 

    I started with the family name first, so I thought what is iconic for this country and having a nice "ring" to it. Champagne is something that can be called that way only if it comes from the region of the same name and it represent luxury and good taste. My player role wasn't represented by that description as he was more physical than anything, but he at least got two really good season by his standards. For the first name, I wanted something French (no shit!) that would fit with the family name. It was far more harder to find than I thought at first, but a legendary character in the DC universe got my attention and here we are.

    A total of nine season later, with like I said earlier some good and some really not that good seasons, it was time for the "old" Alfred Champagne to retire and invest in the alcohol industry! He got a bit lucky to be in a team that make the playoffs every season since New York will participate in the playoffs with the 3rd position in the North American Conference. In all those playoffs appearances, he got his second best performance in S89 while winning his only Continental Cup! Davos was still a powerhouse the next two seasons with winning the Victory Cup twice, but that came with the infamous curse that you can win both trophies in the same season. I'm still happy with the final result, even if I would have liked more offensive production earlier in his career.


    With that career over and still having fun in the league, I decided to create another player! I wanted to try a different position than a winger and my player in the SHL is a goalie so i didn't wanted another one. Not sure if not being a max earner is a good idea for a center since he have to put tpe in faceoffs, so I went for defenseman. I used the same mindset for the name and went for a French one (yes again!). I found the family name first like the first time. I looked at the best defenseman who played in the NHL with a french name and Éric Desjardins is one of the few players who scored at hat trick in the Stanley Cup final, and probably the only one doing so being a defenseman. I don't really like the first name so had to find another one and the founder of the cooperative bank Desjardins (there is some outside of Quebec) is name Alphonse so everything fit perfectly. 

    After creating my player, lot of people welcomed me back and to finish the season in the VHLM, I got a message from the San Diego Marlins that I also know in the SHL to offer me a contract to play a couple of games. My player did really well and with only 2 games to play , he's almost a point per game player with 9 points in 10 games!


    I think the S94 VHLM draft is soon, so if you are a GM, just hit me up, I'm open to play anywhere!

  8. 1. No not yet! Open to any team, just want to be in a team that at least have invested the time to scout me.


    2. Don't really know which one is available to my player, but I would like to!


    3. My last player was selected in the first round so I hope this one will be too haha!


    4. So far yes! Good locker room activity and since I joined the team we are winning so there is that...


    5. Hunter or Ender were the two best forwards on the team and were almost at PPG game so I will go with one of them (or both).


    6. Why not? My last player played there too so that would be cool! Not the same management, but I hope the team will have a better season than the last one.

  9. 2. In your opinion, do you think putting TPE into the LD attribute has any impact on sims?

    I really don't think so. But I'm open to the debate if someone have proof of it.


    3. Which team do you believe has been Davos’ biggest rival this season?

    Hard to say for me, but surely Helsinki is one of them!


    4. Are you a member of any other sim leagues?

    The SHL, I'm a hockey guy so probably won't join another big sim league.


    6. Did your favorite NHL team make the playoffs this year?

    Sadly no... Pittsburgh needed a PHI and MTL win and none happen.


    7. Connor McDavid has just amassed 100 assists this season! Any thoughts about this feat?

    I honestly thought it would have been more than 3 other players who reached that mark, so props to him!


    8. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

    Night owl haha! But with a baby it changed a little bit...

  10. When I look at the teams missing in the VHLM, and even in the VHL, it's a team in the Province of Québec. 

    I know that in the past a team in Québec was in the league and moved to Vancouver, but with only half the teams in the league comes from North America and the other half are in Europe, that give not much room for a lot of city that should have a team in either of the three leagues. The VHL have a mix of North American team and European Teams, the VHLE is Europeans and the VHLM is North American.


    I'm kinda surprise that in neither league a team in Montréal have existed in almost 100 seasons! The Canadiens is the most iconic hockey team and there is no team trying to emulate their success? It would be nice in the future to have a team with a Bleu Blanc Rouge branding in the VHL. We had some people lately that tried to make customs jerseys for the VHL team and it was difficult for some of them to find the right colors for them. A nice «tricolors» jersey would have been nice to see something different than Black&White. I know that New York have really similar colors, but the emphasis on each color is not the same. We can’t move a team in New York, the biggest market of the East Coast away, so maybe an expansion? Would be funny that the city who is the origin of the NHL and the team who have the most Stanley Cup will have his first team from an expansion!


    The branding of Québec was a nice one, and I love that Vancouver took a part of «La Meute» to bring in their Wolves branding. In almost every sim league, we have Wolf somewhere, and that’s a thing that the real-life professional hockey is missing. I don’t consider the Coyotes to be one, but in the AHL we have the Chicago Wolves and nothing in the ECHL. The only thing that I don’t agree with, it’s staying with only the black and white as color… I find it a bit boring.

    With all the teams in the Province that play in either of the three majors leagues, I’m sure we can look at some of them and get inspiration from. The Canadiens, the Rocket, the Lions and if we look at junior, we can add the Remparts and the Armada.


    There is a lot of logo and amateur branding for a come back of a team in Québec so the inspiration won’t be a problem. You can’t use the Nordiques name or the logo, but a rebrand of «La Meute» or use the Harfangs if you want an animal can be a good option. If you want something more original, you can use the city fortification that are more than 300 years old and a big part of the heritage of the French colonisation. That can also be use about the part that they are the only territory in America that speak French as their first language.

    So this is it, I’m not a graphic guy so won’t bring my personal branding.



  11. 2. Now that we’re halfway through the season, are we performing as you’ve expected?

    Not better, but not really worst either. Considering the roster of the team, it's expected.


    3. The rebuild is still going strong. Any draftees in the upcoming class catch your interest to add to our squad?

    Wait till a recreate to ask me that question hahahaha!


    5. How many goals and assists has your player scored this season?

    Not enough lol I'm at 14 goals and 11 assists in 43 games before wednesday sim. It will be by far my worst season since I was a rookie.


    6. Predict the NA and EU conference champion! 

    I will go with Toronto since they have a bif lead, and London since we can't be them (New York)


    7. I went to a San Diego Gulls game last weekend! Have you ever gone to a professional hockey game live? 

    Yes three times. Two in New York and one in Montréal (The Canadiens each times, against the Islanders X2 and Colorado)


    8. How well would your player fare in an Easter egg hunt?

    Not good haha! Better at eating them than finding them!

  12. 3. How is your VHFL/Super Coach team doing, if participating? If not, any particular reason why you didn’t sign up this season?

    Not the best, but getting 4 tpe out of it is not bad. My player will have to step up.


    4. Did you get your VHL predictions in on time for this season?

    Yes! Don't know if it will be good, so let's wait and see what happen.


    5. If your player was an animal, what would they be?

    A wolf. Fierce animal that take care of his kind.


    6. What is your favorite thing about the sim league experience?

    Talk to new people and win Cups lol


    7. What is your favorite song currently?

    "On est back" from l'Assemblée. French song so you won't understand much haha!


    8. Have you ever traveled internationally? If so, to what countries?

    I've travelled only in North America, but one day I will go to Europe.

  13. 1. With one week of sims down, is the team performing as you’ve expected?

    New York is 3rd in the Conference as of now so almost where we were expecting ourself.


    2. Who do you predict will be Davos’ MVP this season?

    Who can we name other than David Jokinen haha!


    3. What are your thoughts on our current prospect pool?

    Seems good! Hope the Davos rebuild will be successful!


    4. If you are participating, what does your VHFL or Super Coach team look like? If you aren’t participating, any reason why you chose not to sign up this season?

    I have 36W, Reese McFleury, conference Prince de Galles, Jasper Davis, Alfred Champagne and can't remember the last one lol  


    7. What sports do you enjoy watching besides hockey?

    Whatever sport in the playoffs or high intensy/meaningful games.


    8. What was the last video game you played?

    I'm still on Baldur's Gate III hahaha! Act III in my second playthrough.  

  14. 1. As per tradition, what is your one bold prediction this season?

    New York's gonna win the Cup! Champagne career will finish with a strong season.


    2. Who do you think will be this season’s league scoring leader?

    Daryl Dixon a really good chance and maybe Liv Slater can challenge him.


    4. What keeps you active and motivated as a member of the VHL?

    Trying to win the Cup, more than anything. I did it once at least!


    5. What are your thoughts on meme player names?

    Don't really care! If only it's made with respect.


    7. Creamy or crunchy peanut butter?

    I don't really eat peanut butter, but when I do I prefer crunchy.


    8. What are your thoughts on reality TV?

    I don't watch it because it's garbage and a big waste of time.

  15. 1. What are your early thoughts on the team's chances of success for next season?

    I think we will be able to compete for the Cup and be considered a contender with all the talent we have.


    2. Do you enjoy the off-season break? Or are you someone who would prefer for it to be shorter?

    I don't really care haha! But I think it's just the right amount of time between seasons.


    3. Where in New York City does your player live? Is it right in downtown Manhattan or further away in the suburbs? (i swear i'm not trying to doxx your player)

    Right downtown! You got to live the big city experience!


    4. What are your goals for your player next season?

    Not having a too big drop in points production like I had last season haha! If I can get another Cup that would be the best tho.


    5. What is the most interesting place you would love to visit?

    Don't have a specific place, just Europe in general.


    6. In Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, what is your favourite trap that Kevin sets for The Wet Bandits?

    It's been a bit since I watched that movie, but I remember that one got electrocuted so I will go with this haha!

  16. 1. Have you got London or DC to win the Continental Cup?

    I went with London, but they fell by a single goal in game 7... in OT god damn that's heart breaking.


    2. Is a team’s winning record the best reflection of their success? Or another attribute?

    Well if a team is winning, 99% of the time it's because they are good or because they are lucky/being the better team that night. So yeah.


    5. Will you be participating in the ProAm?

    I will not. But I did in the past.


    6. What is your favorite type of point task to do?

    This one :)


    7. Favorite ice cream flavor?

    Mint is really good.


    8. Any upcoming films you would like to see this year?

    Dune part 2 and Argyle.

  17. 1. Who do you think will be this season’s Continental Cup champion?

    I will go with London, but DC have a really good team too.


    2. Malmo has been SWEPT by London! Was this the work of the Victory Cup curse?

    Why not?! A surprise that they were swept though.


    4. Do you have any ideas for what you want to do for your next player?

    Maybe I will try a defenseman, but not sure yet if I go full defense or not.


    5. What do you think about the nine season length of a player’s career? Would you make it shorter? Longer?

    Longer lol! If they player still can be usefull I would let him continue. We have forwards with like 600 tpe playing, why can't we let someone play until he reach like 500 tpe and force him to retire after that.


    6. The NHL trade deadline is looming. Any particular moves you want your favorite team to make?

    Pittsburgh trading players like Smith, Pettersson, Rust and even Guentzel if he doesn't want to be here long term to start a real rebuild.


    8. Are you an introvert or extrovert?

    I would say that when I was younger I was introvert, but now I'm more in the middle.

  18. 1. THE TANK IS ROLLING. Which prospect are you hoping Davos can snag in this upcoming draft?

    From what I know Victor is the top prospect in this year draft.


    3. If you participated, how did your VHFL/Super Coach team fare this season?

    I didn't look at the result of the Super Coach, hope I will get some tpe out of it!


    5. Do you think the VHL could ever expand from 16 teams to more?

    Expansion? No lol I find that there is already too much teams!


    6. Have you ever attended an NHL game live before?

    Yes 2 times. One in Montréal (MTL-COL) and one in New York (NYI-MTL).


    7. Thoughts on the outcome of this year’s Super Bowl? Who were you rooting for?

    It was a good game even if it was defensive a lot. I was rooting for the 49ers, but well at least it was a close one.


    8. Do you currently have any pets? If so, what are their names?

    A cat Spiroux (he's red) and a dog Expos (like the old Montréal baseball team)

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