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Pifferfish last won the day on February 11

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  1. Pifferfish

    CHI/CGY; S98

  2. I'm just a journalist. And sleep Deprivation costs journalistic integrity
  3. @Xhekityb123 here ya go bud, old user name on file.
  4. Hey, I just reported what my sources told me Spartan... I did forget to tie it into his ejection though, that was the whole plan.... Make him getting ejected into a protest over the contract but I messed up
  5. @Spartan i think in actuality i mention you in literally every section of this at some point except the intro and outro. Maybe not directly in the Bocage section but it is about your team so kind of.
  6. (Credit @LucyXpher) Time Stamps and Mentions: (Disclaimer: Recorded before the season turnover and trades being completed on 2/16 and on no sleep in the previous 28 hours, thus the name.) Intro - 0:00 Deadpanda Contract Situation - 1:15 @Alex @Spartan Pending FA Mini Rant - 3:30 Opening Trade Market for Bocage? - 6:30 @Grape @JCarson @kirbithan Punishments - 8:30 @Beketov @Spartan @InstantRockstar Lucy is HUGOATED (inside joke, don't worry about it.) - 21:45 @LucyXpher @Quanack RIP, we'll miss you in Malmo ! @Dabnad Great Rookie Season, let's keep it rocking and rolling! @TheDuke Keep up the good work grinding, happy to have you joining us! @Xhekityb123 Goated trade acquisition, can't wait for Middletoe to do great things. @McLovin Upcoming Projects and Shoutouts - 29:30 @LucyXpher @Mysterious_Fish respond to my HN trade btw... lol @Xhekityb123 Connor McDavid and Max Verstappen Thanks for Listening! Thanks to our sponsor Reb Bull as well.
  7. Pifferfish

    MAL/PRG; S98

    whats your J-mate rank though?
  8. Pifferfish

    MAL/PRG; S98

    i literally made an MS a week ago in which i mentioned every VHL team... other than Davos lol... totally was like, yeah... that all of em.. send!
  9. Pifferfish

    MAL/PRG; S98

    beating Davos is unimpressive, i literally forget they are a team all the time lol... love ya @Alex gl this season btw...
  10. Pifferfish

    MAL/PRG; S98

    so you are saying you'd have won if you were GM of Moscow over Spartan?
  11. Pifferfish

    MAL/PRG; S98

    Yeah fair, I will say, at this point being mid pack isn't a bad thing. Like here is the Wild Card teams that have made the Finals in the past 10 seasons. S97: Riga (R) and Seattle (C) S94: Moscow (C) S92: London (R) S91: Helsinki (R) S88: London (C) 6 finals runs for WC teams put of 20 possible and 3 wins. And in looking at this I noticed how shockingly often 3 seeded teams make the finals... Probably the most prevalent position in the seeding to make the finals, which I do feel is in Malmo's range potentially this season.
  12. Pifferfish

    MAL/PRG; S98

    ? I don't get this response? What is even the point of this? You say I think Malmo will be contending, which I dont and never have stated. I said Malmo would be easily capable of continuing being competitive, as in being a playoff team. Our range is easily from 3rd to 6th... Which is... Repeat after me class!... COMPETITIVE... Riga and Seattle just went to a finals from 4th seeds. Being competitive is fine while we build toward the future.
  13. Pifferfish

    MAL/PRG; S98

    Just know when I say "compete for playoff spots" that doesn't me buy into the playoffs. If we miss, we miss. But we will take value when we see it if people want out players. Like moving Kemp for Bachmann.
  14. Pifferfish

    MAL/PRG; S98

    No I mean, like the idea of competing for a playoff spot being dumb for malmo doesn't make sense, they don't have the assets to be a strong contender, but they don't own their firsts so tanking is dumb, right now while we wait until S100, competing for playoff spots is the best we can do.
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