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About PerryPHX

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    Mesa, AZ

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  1. As a young boy, born in the Norwegian town of Alta, Perry sought to show the world just who he was, as he excelled in his youth hockey leagues. Spending his days watching over hours and hours of film from various hockey leagues around the world, he knew his goal in life was to join the Victory Hockey League. He would spend hours and the local rink, with stick in hand, just practicing his shots, his dekes, and his stick handling. While he was never a sure handed shot, he knew how to steal the puck and get it to his teammates, with his eyes closed. One morning, whilst sipping his apple juice, he received an invitation to try out for the VHLM, with the choice of the club to join, in preparation for the Season 88 VHL Draft. Winkle shouted with glee as he spilled his juice all over his Keith Yandle Jersey and proceeded to turn in his application. Before he had even been accepted, he phoned his mother, his father, and his brothers. He even told the mailman and a random jogger in his neighborhood. He was so thrilled at the opportunity, he hardly noticed that HE forgot to pick a team. As he did his research, he noticed the Mississauga Hounds were in need of defensemen and decided to join them. Upon his arrival to the Hounds Clubhouse, he was greeted by the general manager, a_Ferk. Another defenseman, by the name of Leo Lewkowicz, was joining him on the team as well. He was then directed to his locker, and it was at that moment that he realized just how close he was to his ultimate goal of joining the VHL. He grabs his sweater and presses it against his face, knowing he had finally made it here. This is only the beginning of Perry Winkle's career, but it's bound to be a magical one. He grabbed his skates and headed to the rink. After a few laps on his home ice, he cracked a solid smirk, knowing that he will help defend that ice. He met several teammates that evening, who showed him around the facility, and even joined them for an evening meal. While he was brand new, he knew the brotherhood was beginning to mold itself at that moment. The "pack" mentality as unfolding right before his very eyes. After a few days of settling in, it was brought to his attention, that he would have the opportunity to hone his skills, at his leisure. Whether it is poke checking, speed, or dekeing, it was completely up to him. He opted to take it a bit easy his first week and answered some trivia questions, and even participated in a press conference. While he knows more effort will be needed in the future, the hard work was only beginning. In the coming days, Winkle knew he would get to suit up for the first time, and he knew this what he had always dreamed about.
  2. 1.) Back to the future, hands down. I love all three of them, but nothing beats the original. 2.) Michael J. Fox. He was a crazy kid, that loved to take risks. 3.) Pizza Party and Ice Cream Floats. What better way to welcome a bunch of athletes than oodles of carbs and sugar! 4.) Speed. I wanna go fast, zoom, zoom. 5.) Perry's favorite holiday is mothers day. Perry loves his momma. 6.) How helpful, and willing the folks are here to help. Such a wonderful sight to see on an internet filled with tough guys and trolls.
  3. Player Information Username: PerryPHX Player Name: Perry Winkle Recruited From: Other (Email) Age: 19 Position: D Height: 76 in. Weight: 190 lbs. Birthplace: Norway Player Page @VHLM GM
  4. Thanks for having me. Got the email this morning from Thad and thought I'd pop back in here. Been quite a few years since I was in here, but glad to see it's still going strong. I'll get a created player done at some point today.
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