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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. This is going to be more of a stream of consciousness type of thing - I'm not going to be taking it seriously at all or structuring it in any sort of formal manner. I say this because it's the last article I'll be doing for a while where this can be an option. I'll be joining VSN and writing about the VHLM, the league with which I've long since been associated. In some ways this is a return to form - Ree_21 would have been surprised I hadn't joined sooner. I was on the VHL Mag for somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 seasons, off and on throughout the length of time it ran. It went through different iterations under different leadership, died and restarted and died again and restarted again, and the only consistent thread throughout the whole thing was me - even my fearless leader Ree left the league before the last few iterations, and briefly, I was actually in charge of it. Not for long of course - the person in charge given the way it was structured at the time needed to at least have a little bit of an eye for graphics, less so for creating them but more for building a layout with them, and I didn't even have that. Additionally, a lot of the writers went from slightly late (which was fine) to even later (which was less fine) to not turning things in at all (which was definitely not fine). Then it opened up once more several seasons later under Robbie... that went as everyone is now mentally picturing it went. After that, nothing for years - not just seasons, but actual real life years - during which time, I went inactive and came back. The league basically did the same (and I'd add that @Beaviss in particular acted as the league's defibrillator at this time, resetting its heart rhythm and allowing it to carry on as it once had, and while this article has nothing to do with defense I think @Renomitsu will enjoy the medical analogy - apologies in advance for the potential ego boost Beaviss might take from this). Then VSN got started - it's always been the spiritual successor to the mag despite its rocky origins and all the twists and turns it's taken to get to this point. Currently, it's led by @FrostBeard and has never been healthier. If VSN is the modern version of the mag, then why have I not joined it until just now? Easy - current me isn't really the modern version of S20s and 30s me. Well, it hasn't been until recently, anyway. The days of Lars Intranquilo and Clark Marcellin both nearly breaking 1000 TPE in an era where that was an accomplishment are long since gone. I'm never again going to be an @Enorama, I'm far too old and busy to be on here that much and do that much work. However, I think I've proven - most importantly, to myself - that I'm as back as I'm ever going to be, and I need to be a part of this, as much for myself and the continuation of everything I've been associated with throughout the league.
  2. Sorry just woke up - you can see how long it took me to go to sleep from the fact that I posted in this exact thread at like quarter to 8 or so. Obvious vote is obvious vote nyko
  3. "Your ability failed because your target was in jail" @ContinentalCup036 I assume you can confirm Nyko was jailed?
  4. have no idea why i am india, but i like the idea of the code words nonetheless
  5. If I was faking the claim, wouldn't I have come back with Ricer being suspicious? It hurts my own claim that I came back with him as good. Now as OMG pointed out earlier, it's likely because the witching forced my sheriffing onto a different person (and we don't know who, but that person is good) but I wouldn't fake saying the guy trying to throw me under the bus is good.
  6. If he doesn't, do you want me to sheriff him
  7. Well, if there's anyone I trust to know the mechanics and to be right about my search result being on someone else, it's the guy who runs the EFL one. vote ricer
  8. This is what I needed to hear
  9. Then we lose two town - I also stated that my sheriff search was on Ricer and it came back innocent.
  10. "witched" is the verb used in the tos videos on youtube to describe the exact same action - you already know that's the only place I know this game from, and I was told there would be nice people in this version
  11. ffs it said witch
  12. GustavMattias 2,213 Replied: 4 hours ago You were controlled by a Witch last night. You could not find any evidence of wrongdoing. Your target seems innocent.
  13. My message from Gus specifically stated witched, not just controlled - Ricer could have been done by the coven leader though?
  14. Or does witching mean I ended up sheriff checking someone else?
  15. @ContinentalCup036 I claimed Sheriff yesterday in this thread. You reacted to it and quoted it. Also: Still sheriff, inved Ricer (because it seemed like he was covering for Big Al) - given the suspicion on him now after his unusual choice of whisper, this is going to make me look bad, but he came back as good. Also also: was witched.
  16. Not sure I'm following the logic behind it, but as my jailor goes, so go I. Vote big Al
  17. Sheriff here - Inved Spartan, he came back as good. Was also transed
  18. You're allowed personality, as long as that personality isn't tricking a new guy into signing with you by claiming an error. (to be fair, there likely is an error - I doubt that's what he wants his player name to be, but that doesn't mean he has to sign with you to get it fixed).
  19. You tried it in the first place. It's one guy, it's not going to break your team, but no, we're not in the business of lying to people to trick them into signing. Now you know not to try it.
  20. Halifax out of the running for this player. @Jdillah111 this is one of the VHLM commissioners here - Shawn is trying to trick you into signing for him. Please accept elsewhere. We will fix any errors outside of that - holding an error over your head as a means of signing is shady and will not be allowed.
  21. We're not here to trick the new guys into signing by telling them there's something wrong. Win them on merit. This is a development league.
  22. What are you trying to do here @ShawnGlade ? looks a bit shady tbh - explain?
  23. so um... about that free agency (there's no way for you guys to have known, not actually salty but will certainly continue to bring it up if this continues to go in our favor)
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