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Everything posted by Mutti

  1. Hello and thank you, this will surely be fun, so let's get to it! 1. With the VHL entry draft coming up on the 9th how excited are you to be joining a new team? Is there anybody who you would KILL to have on your team? - I am fairly excited, I have never been more excited! It is a huge step forward and I can't wait where this draft leads me! And oh, I would KILL to have Lucy Leitner on my team. Reliable, super fun, amazing person and talented defensively. But that said, I don't feel like I wouldn't be able to be a teammate with many or some. I feel excited about meeting new people too! ---------------------- 2. We have new team pets with our kitty Litten, our dog Rocky, and out Puppy Growlithe how are you going to spoil them? Also don't worry you will be allowed to come back to the facility to hang with them. - I am so glad I will be allowed to play with those babies. I will make toys for them, I will build doghouses for the two puppers of ours and I will make a fancy place for Litten to take naps at. Also, I will bring them fancy treats everytime I'll visit Houston! ---------------------- 3. Once you get your big boy pay after being drafted to the show how will you spend tour newly earned money? - I will try to spend it wisely. Definitely not on drugs. Of course because of that belongs to Vencko in Houston, not anywhere else. Haha. ---------------------- 4. Your favourite AGM has been kidnapped by criminals and you have to fill his role what are you doing first? - I'm calling the police that our AGM has been kidnapped. ---------------------- 5. Are there any teammates who you will keep in touch, and hang out with after the gang is split up? - I am sure that this isn't just about one player. I do communicate with some more than with others, but overall, I feel like the metaphorical gang will still be alive, even though its members will be split to higher league's locker rooms. ---------------------- 6. Your AGM is doing the press conference this week do you like the change or would you rather @AJW continue doing it? - It is very nice, to be honest. It took me longer than usual to get to it, that's my bad. But I think that it is a good idea. It brings fresh ideas to the conference. I feel like you could perhaps change in doing it? Also, having multiple people doing it is also benefitial when one of you is unable to create questions/post the conference. This way, one can do it instead of the other. But you both produce fun questions to answer, so I'll be looking forward to PCs from both of you in the future! ---------------------- Right, and that's all you say.. Well.. Thanks for having me! As always, it was a great pleasure! -O Claimed for week ending 03/10/2024
  2. Houston’s Gossiper has brought you some very important news throughout the seasons and the playoffs. It is truly a pleasure to be a reliable source of 100% legitimate news that in no way are just made up in my head. However, today, it will be different. Before you begin to worry, no, this is not a ‘goodbye article’. I would like to reflect on a certain career. Trimiskez Artav came to our league from icy land of Greenland, which certainly benefited his passion for hockey. If you think about it, what’s better to do out there except for ice skating. And once you’re into it, why not combine it with a stick and a puck? Even though this island can get a bit forgotten in the overall world hockey theatre, Trimi showed us how passionate and incredibly skilful players from there can be. Born in 2005, he was drafted in S92 VHLM Draft as 18th overall by Houston Bulls. Which is tremendous for such a young player. And he sure was about to show everyone how glad he was with this draft. Right away, Trimiskez made a name for himself in the locker room. He was really active, showed his readiness for the game and also, quite high level of mentorship for the newcomers. Especially for ones from far abroad, like the certain Czech goaltender. It was needed last season more than ever, as the wave of new players was huge. However, he only embraced the young newcomers by encouraging them and motivating them to give out the best they have in themselves. His teammates always told me he was such a unit in the locker room. They all had beating hearts to make the LR feel alive, but he WAS the beating heart. Then, come the season itself. It is important to remind that Houston did not follow a strategy of relying on few star players who’ll make the team shine and lead them to success. Bulls instead opted for a huge team depth, which, despite then being really enjoyable in the playoffs, took its toll. Especially in the beginning. Nevertheless, Trimiskez showed that he can score, that he can be a playmaker and that he can also stand for his teammates. There was no way you could stop him. This all lead to his final record of 43 goals and 45 assists, totalling for 88 points in 72 games. For a rookie, those are THE numbers. And he did not stop there. Come the playoffs, he participated in what would become a Houston’s sensation. Totalling 11 points in 12 games, with 7 goals and 4 assists, he played a crucial role in Bulls’ advance to the second round, where they sadly fell to Philadelphia Reapers. However, for a team that looked like outsiders, this was a huge exclamation mark for the league. And many teams now consider several Bulls players as their picks for the upcoming draft! One of them would certainly be Trimi, if it wasn’t for one fact.. After winning the first round of the playoffs, Trimiskez became empty. No communication with anyone, and increasingly, he was becoming a bit closed into himself. Then, after the second round, he disappeared. Noone knows why or where to. He must have had a reason. But one thing is certain: Bulls and the League have lost a key contributor, an amazing player and even more amazing persona. When we lost the connection with him, the Houston’s stadium couldn’t feel emptier. Trimi, the one and only number 10, our great pal @jake, wherever you are, whatever it is you’re doing, take care. You are deeply missed in here. -Ben 609 words capped for week ending 03/10/2024
  3. Last week, we’ve told you about certain cultural news regarding the Houston hockey team. This week, we have a bit more clearance on how things turned out, so let’s find out together, shall we? First, we have the question of team pet. The players loved the idea of team having a team kitty. They immediately got together and thought of the perfect option: Litten! This hell kitty is surely going to rule over Houston and will win the hearts of fans across the whole league. And if that isn’t enough, Houston’s locker room came up with two more team pets: Puppers Rocky and Growlithe! These best boyos are surely going to motivate players to score! And fans will love them! The graphical interpretation of said pets went very well. Even one of our graphic artists in our newsletter, Peter Ignaz Casso, tried his best in creating a team kitty. Needless to say, he needs to improve his skills if he wants to break through the halls of kindergarten with his art. Another news regarding the Bulls is the choice of a new goal song! That’s right. Houston’s GM opted for a more usual choice of a goal song, while the question about RickRolling remains unsure. Perhaps during some extraordinary events? We will see. However, our beloved players from Bulls team are now preparing for the upcoming draft. I am sure they’ll find plenty of success in the future teams but that they will also keep a little space in their hearts for Houston. Thank you so much for reading. Yours truly, Ben Icio del Torro 265 words capped for week ending 03/10/2024
  4. "Now: Smile for the cameras and for the puck!"
  5. The source of my sauce is.. . . Saucy.
  6. Welcome to a sort of a bonus article of Houston’s Gossiper series! In these few paragraphs, we’ll look at some interesting news and speculations regarding hockey and your favourite team from Texas.. What do you mean, “Stars”? Houston hockey culture is said to bloom in a tremendous fashion! This week, a gathering with few Bulls’ players, team management and team’s fans took place. And fans have been submitting numerous ideas about how to make Houston’s identity even more unique. First of all, fans proposed a new goal song. Even though the current one is a total banger (note: this line wasn’t at all forced into article by an incredible musician Ondrej Vencko. Please, don’t punch me again, Ondra.), the people feel like the team could have more fun with their goal song pick. The most vocal proponents lobbied for Rick Astley’s (in)famous hit, as an homage to the loyal fanbase which never stopped supporting the team. As in, the team will: “Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down.” And secondly, fans were really vocal about choosing a new team mascot or, taking inspiration from a certain team in the Northwest, a team pet. Logical option would be a bull but that idea was scratched due to.. Logistical reasons. One interesting proposal, however, was for Houston Bulls to have a team kitty. It is no secret that Houston uses motifs of fire or even hell in their graphics. And as we all know, cats are (alongside being enormously cute and adorable), the guardians of the Underworld (No, not that movie, calm down.) So who knows! Perhaps we’ll witness a cup finals accompanied with a kitty purring next season! Alongside news from Houston, we also got a report from a relatively not-that-insane Dr. Feelgood. According to him, he and his team at Feelgood, Inc. came up with a discovery that can revolutionize the hockey players’ healthcare programs! That is.. Hockey pucks, in right environment and during right circumstances, can cure players’ toothache in mere seconds! I am not sure how this turns into effect, as it would certainly leave a dent on dentists’ paychecks.. But we’ll see what our little lunatic of a doctor can come up with. That concludes the Houston’s Gossiper bonus article! Thank you so much for reading, now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get my teeth fixed. For Houston’s Gossiper Ben Icio del Torro 401 words capped for week ending 03/03/2024
  7. It is a great pleasure to be back, dear readers. Or reader, I should say, as this newspaper is as popular as dubstep, I believe. However, as I love dubstep, I also love writing these spots, so.. Let’s get to it, shall we? “So, what is it Ben”, I hear you ask, “that happened in the last week that should get our attention?” I am so glad you ask! Firstly, and for many the most importantly, we witnessed the conclusion of VHLM Play-offs. Even with expectations relatively high for Houston after the first round, sadly, Bulls couldn’t keep the run alive in the second round, falling to the eventual cup winners, Philadelphia Reapers. However, Bulls can be more than proud of what they achieved. The team went from zero to a roster of heroes, with a true leader emerging on the ice every evening: Miner vHLer @Rhynex Entertainment. His leadership guided the team through tough times and brought motivation after tough or close losses. Even though the team of Houston couldn’t reach the cup, they made history with a new definition. The definition of a team leader. However, even though he deserves it, we shouldn’t put all the praise on just one player. The whole roster had an incredible depth, with amazing players in all lines and positions. Team co-operated and co-existed almost like a family. The mutual connection of players on friendly level could be seen in the locker room. Numerous times, you could hear the laughter and joy coming from there, if you remained at the stadium just a bit longer after the game ended. Kind of like a Bulls’ version of post-credits scene. This amazing roster has its creator, of course. The credit goes to the man, the myth, the legend of a GM: @AJW I am convinced this man is a passionate chef in his spare time, because.. Who let him cook? His skills in getting competent players assured we got an entertaining season and thrilling playoffs, with team spirit every GM wishes their team has. Now, that the play-offs mood toned down, we can expect some talking about the upcoming VHL draft. A lot of Bulls players are ranked pretty high. Even the METHaphorical goalie Ondrej Vencko is projected relatively high. However, we could see him having some struggles in the ongoing Junior Showcase Tournament, where the rest of Bulls roster signed really shines. This all, however, shows how well-composed the Bulls team was this season. It was a spectacular ride and I hope all of our beloved players will find equal joy and success playing for various teams in the VHL. Alongside with the talents from other VHLM teams, the wave of VHL rookies will surely be an entertaining bunch! To Houston Bulls, I wish only the best of luck in the upcoming seasons! The team has a bright future ahead of itself, especially with the impact it made in the last season and play-offs. Thanks you so much for the fun, it was mezmerizing. Yours loyal truly, Ben Icio del Torro 508 words capped for week ending 03/03/2024
  8. Hey there, glad to be here! Now, onto the questions! 1. How did your season go in the VHLM this season, both as a player and as a team? - I think it went pretty well. We started from zero but built up a solid team. I think my personal development also showed, especially in the playoffs. We sadly fell in the second round, but.. I think we showed what we can do and that we even surprised some people. Overall, I am content with how things turned out. 2. If you have a to do list, do you attack the hard stuff first, or do you ease into it and save the tough things for the end? - I try to make everything simple, as much as I can. Work smart, not hard, you could say. But I usually attack the tough and unpleasant things first, so that in the end, I have the more pleasant duties to complete. 3. What is your player's biggest strength and weakness? - I think the biggest strength of Ondrej is his determination and his wild nature. However, I believe passion sometimes overthrows his mind, which makes him a bit hot-headed. Which, in the end, is his weakness. 4. Which band is currently stuck in your head right now? - Uf, tough. I have a massive jukebox playing in my head every day. Probably Death, Nirvana or Slayer. 5. Is this your first player in the VHL? If so, how are you finding things so far? If not, how many players is this for you in the league? - Yep. This is my first season, the most rookie a rookie can be! And it is a blast, I could never recommend this forum enough! Love it here. 6. Looking at your Steel teammates, who are you most excited to play with for this tournament? - I am curious about Taylor. I know that she and Zinek threw a couple of punches together, so I am thrilled to see them in action. But also my colleague in net, Austin Goulet III.. I am curious what this guy can pull off. This tournament is going to be so fun! Thanks for having me here, it was amazing! See you at the tournament! -O
  9. Hey there, thanks for having me here! Cannot wait for what kind of questions AJ cooked up! 1. What a run! A second round exit is nothing to be disappointed about, top 4 in the league! After the loss, what were the emotions/thoughts going through your player's head? - Well, now, after a few days have passed, it is alright. I was sad because of the team. They have been playing out of their minds all season and they deserved the cup. Sadly, losing is part of the growth as well and at least, we have a motivation to work on ourselves and shine in the league in the future games, sadly in different teams, though. ------------------------- 2. End of the season is actually a beautiful time to finally get that extra sleep you've been craving, or maybe pick up a skill you've been wanting to try with your new free time. What will you do with your free time to start your off-season? - I will probably get to make music, finally. I missed it these days and I feel that I finally have my muse back. ------------------------- 3. We had a lot of new friendly faces enter the locker room this season. So many bright and fun people put on the Bulls jersey! What was your favorite part about being a Bull this season? - The LOCKER ROOM! HAHA! Oooh, my god, it was such a blast being around these amazing people. I love them. It felt like a true sports family. Unthinkable experience. I am so glad I was a Bull this season. ------------------------- 4. Houston Texas, home of the Houston Bulls of the VHLM: RIOTS STRIKE!! Gang leader of the "Vencko's Sobriety Test" gang (VST for short) got his crew to riot through the streets of Houston after our loss to Philadelphia. Did you join in on the riots? Houston GM AJW was seen throwing a flaming pitchfork at a picture of Philly GM @Lemorse7. - Uuuuuh... I rather stay at home and get wasted. Riots are a big no-no for me. AJW seemed on fire, though, damn. Did he hit it, at least? ------------------------- 5. Let's talk about that draft! VHL and VHLE drafts are coming up, have any GMs started reaching out to interview you? Which team(s) are your favorite as of this week? - Yep, I had some conversations but I wouldn't like to go into details. Of course, out of all VHL teams, I hold Prague Phantoms close to my heart, because it is my homeland. But other than that.. I think all of them have something special to offer! ------------------------- 6. It's been a really fun season but you can't hold onto the past, I'm already thinking of the next VHLM draft! Do you have any plans/goals for your player next season? Are you trying to earn that extra TPE per week? Maybe you want to hit a 30 goal milestone? - I will do as much work as I can to improve my game! Always! I am curious where that leads me, though.. Probably to the pub. For inspiration, of course.... Aaaaaaaaaanyway, thanks for having me again, it has been a pleasure as always! See ya soon, -O A A
  10. In the shadow of ongoing play-offs, you may have missed several news that happened in Houston! Luckily it is your totally legitimate news source Houston Gossiper with a quick little summary of „What the hell happened while we were watching hockey?“! Mayor Quimby has been put out of function, as he allegedly participated in a religious extremist group’s family friendly picnic. The group has been under investigation for a longer time and everything escalated last Sunday, when a member of the group’s band Testament- sorry, OLD Testament repeatedly focused playing on the G string, as described by one of the witnesses: “More than it’s healthy!” Quimby himself sparked a riot when coming on stage with a guitar and trying to make a joke before he would start playing, saying: “Do you know which chord is the most religious? Gsus!” Following riot caused no life casualties, luckily, but almost destroyed local church building, when one of the passersby, coming back from a black metal concert, tried to down right burn the church building down. Mayor Quimby is now in custody for sparking a violent riot and will face a fine for public damages at the very minimum. Who will take his place is now unsure. Though, one candidate expressed serious ambitions on becoming Houston’s new mayor. However, we only know him under the name of ‘Bob’, and also that he has a rather extravagant haircut and used to be some kind of a ‘Sideshow’. We will see how things turn out for mayor and the new candidate. Once we have the news, you will have them as well! What, you expected something more? Well, too bad. This was all interesting news I was able to find. You don’t expect me to make up some fake news and disguise them as a serious journalism, do you? I am glad you understand! Until next time, dear readers! Ben Icio del Torro 318 words capped for the week ending 2/25/2024
  11. Whoa, I did not expect this kind of article, hehe. Thanks, it's an honor! I just hope not to let my team down, I love those guys and the energy they provide.
  12. Hey, thanks for having me here! 1. We made it to playoffs and we're doing pretty darn good! Houston currently leads San Diego 3-2 in our first round matchup. What are your thoughts on Houston's play through the first 5 games? - I think we may be a big surprise for some. We definitely aren't giving up anything. And I am sure that we still have a lot to show in the playoffs! -------------- 2. Goaltender Ondrej Vencko @Mutti has been a stud between the pipes for us this season and will start every game for Houston these playoffs. What kind of difference does having a hot goalie in net make? - Well, thanks! I hope that it makes at least some difference, I enjoy goaltending for this team! You guys are spectacular! -------------- 3. I know we're still in season, but I bet a lot of you still have the VHL and VHLE drafts in the backs of your heads! What team/What pick do you predict you will be drafted? Do you have any VHL or VHLE teams you'd prefer to go to? - To be honest, I keep my head clean from this. I had some talks with some GMs but.. I think I won't mind any team at all. The future is bright! -------------- 4. VHLM playoffs are closer than we thought with each series needing 6 games minimum! Has there been any series which have surprised you? Did you predict the parity of matchups to be this good? - I think that our series with San Diego has been a very nice surprise. It is a thrilling series with two great teams, I have a huge respect for them and I am glad we could face them in the first round! -------------- 5. OUCH!! I stubbed my toe on the corner of my desk and I need the day off. The pain, the suffering... it's too immense. I told AGM @Nathan_8 to take over for the day and he wants to bag skate everyone?... WTF NATHAN!?!? We need to figure out a plan to get revenge on him for his tyrant actions. What prank/revenge act are you and the team pulling on our AGM for making everyone bag skate? - Put a bag over his head and push him downhill in a shopping cart! Nah, prolly sth softer. I would like to pull a prank on him, not kill him. So I guess.. Good ol' cake in the face? -------------- 6. It's reading week in Canada for most universities and a lot of people are making me jealous while on their vacations. It's probably daddy's money I get it, but still, I want a Miami Vice under the Cuban sun right now! If you could pack your bags this week for vacation where would you like to go? - The Netherlands, Amsterdam to be exact. With my GF. That's our dream destination! -------------- Thanks to AJ for having me here at this conference! Take care! -O
  13. Hi and welcome to another edition of Houston Gossiper. Today, we have a special one for you, readers! Even though the play-offs are in a full swing, Houston’s goaltender Ondrej Vencko made some time for an interview with me. Without further ado, let’s ask our young goalie what’s what! Hey there, Ondra, thank you for making some time for me. The play-offs are here, how are you feeling? It is, after all, at least a bit stressful for a rookie to compete on this level, isn’t it? “Hey, thanks for having me. Yeah, the blood boils and nails are bitten, right? *laughs* You know, it was kinda rough getting to know the league and how things are in the States in the beginning. But now, I am used to it and I am focusing on securing the net for my team, even though it is hard sometimes.” Funny that you mention that. You are currently facing San Diego Marlins and you built up a 3-1 series lead, which showed you are a fairly competitive team. You also recorded a shutout in game 4. But last night, things didn’t exactly go your way. Do you think it was the fact of home ice which boosted San Diego? How do you feel about the last game? “I am gonna be honest, last game wasn’t my jam at all. I don’t think the team is to blame here, they were great and the net minding is my responsibility, after all. I’d say the game was pretty tied but then in the third, they crushed us. But next game, we’ll be playing home again, which will turn the tides again, I believe. Guys in our team play phenomenally, I am looking forward to game 6. It is my number, after all. *laughs* I am sure it will be awesome. Game 6 is surely going to be a big one. You have also been chosen to one of the teams competing in the Junior Showcase Tournament. How do you feel about it? “It is something different, I will try to change my game if necessary, but the basics will remain. I am excited, though! I love the fact that the league has so many things to offer for players to both develop and to show their qualities. I will, sadly, face against some of my current teammates but.. That’s just how things are sometimes. But I know how to save their shots. *laughs* It will be awesome, I am sure! Last question, Ondra: What does a Czech goalie do to clear his head both after and before games? Especially the play-offs games? “To be honest.. Nothing extraordinarily special. I have a special place for music in my heart, so I both play and listen to it. I do like a bit of alcohol from time to time but right now, that’s a big no no in my books. I need to be focused. I’ll keep the great hangover for after we win something big! *laughs* Ondra, thank you for coming, it was a pleasure doing interview with you. “Thanks for having me. Take care!” Well, there you have it, folks. Let’s wish our beloved Houston team good luck in Game 6 tonight, so that we can see more of their entertaining hockey in the future! For Houston Gossiper, Ben Icio del Torro 557 words for week ending 2/25/2024
  14. Love this! Amazing article as always!
  15. This was so amazing! And yeah, drunk apes together strong! Haha! Cheers, mate! To your amazing GMing and to our success!
  16. Hey there, Welcome to the second (proper) episode of this totally legit, trustworthy and informative programme! Claimed for week ending 2/18/2024
  17. Hi, thank you for having me here! Let's have a look at the questions, shall we? 1. The regular season is almost done and playoffs are just around the corner. What is your favourite thing about playoffs? What is your least favourite? - I think both of those questions can be answered at once: The competetiveness. I love the energy it gives the players to play their best game.. At the same time, it can lead to a huge letdown, when you give it everything and it ends up badly. This, however, won't be the case for us, I am sure. We just need to stay focused. We will show the league what it feels like to be a stubborn Bull, haha! -------- 2. On the topic of playoffs, Houston is projected to finish this season 4th-6th place in the VHLM standings. What does walking into the first round of playoffs as a 'middle of the pack' team mean? Are we underdogs? Are we just a first round exit? - I think we are very competitive and that we can show everyone how capable we truly are! I don't think we'll exit in the first round. -------- 3. How was this season in the VHLM for you/your player? Were there any milestones reached? Any goals set that you accomplished? - It was amazing! I've met a lot of incredible people, who were just an exceptional support between the games. And talking about goals.. Well.. I try not to let many of them go into my net, haha. But I recorded a shutout, which is really pleasant for me. It is also an achievement of my teammates, without whom I couln't be able to do that. Now, winning the cup would be nice, haha! -------- 4. The Houston Bulls are hosting a charity event where fans and community members can purchase their tickets to this weekend's "Bulls in the Spotlight". Each player on the team must perform a song of choice and sing it to the crowd... what song is your player choosing to sing? - Oh.. That's a tough one. I can't really sing.. But I would prolly choose something from Depeche Mode. Precious or Enjoy the Silence. -------- 5. The charity event was a smash hit (pretend we are in the future)! We raised so much money that we could buy every bitcoin ever invented, we're RICH rich!! With unlimited money in the bank account, what should the team spend all this money on? A new arena? Team private jet? A 10ft tall statue of your favourite GM (me)? - As a Czech, I only request an import of our beer. A lots of it. That's enough to satisfy me. -------- 6. Last but not least, it's Valentine's Day on February 14th. I will personally be studying for my midterm while eating chocolates alone, what will you be doing for Cupid day? - I would be with my girlfriend if I could but.. Unfortunately it isn't possible. But it is no biggie as we.. Don't really celebrate that holiday. We like to express love on the 1 May more. Way closer to my Czech heritage. -------- Thank you for the amazing questions! I appreciate every single one of them! See ya in the play-offs! -O
  18. Welcome to another edition of Houston’s Gossiper. As we’re heading into an end of regular season this week, let’s take a look at the newest information about our team’s play and how they are preparing for the offseason! The team as a whole solidified in a spectacular manner. When we realise how the team looked at the start of the season, some could have said that they won’t be able to even think about making it to the play-offs. Why, you might ask? Team drafted and signed a lot of young newbies, some of them even from rather exotic countries abroad. Well, exotic for us, anyway. When an average hockey watcher sees a roster like Houston had, they would doom them and focus on some bigger names in the game. These guys, however, showed an enormous will, dedication and thrilling drive to move them forward, to improve their game and now, to be one of the play-off contenders. One of the biggest strenghts the team has to offer is its depth. Houston’s GM @AJW showed a good sense of intuition and sklil in drafting and signing players who show both individual talent, as well as an ability to co-operate in the team as one body. This is further emphasised by a fact that, even though there are differences in overall scoring, every single one of Houston’s skaters has scored at least one goal this season. So far, I should add. Talking about scoring, Trimiskez Artav @jake leads the team in goals scored, currently sitting at 37 goals, accompanied with 40 helpers, totalling for 77 points, which gives him an overal lead in points as well. These stats are even more impressive when we consider that Trimi comes from the island of Greenland. I suppose there’s nothing better to do than to play hockey, right? If we take a closer look at the 70 point mark, three players already crossed it. Alongside Trimi, the two remaining are Chris Reynolds Jr. @Crstats23 and Lucy Leitner @LucyXpher. The two forwards, Chris and Trimi (LW and RW respectfully) are expected to be this productive. However, Lucy really shows that passion for the game always pays off. And before you ask, she is a defensemen. Amazing, right? I can’t wait to make an interview with her. We could also see a Houston’s trumph in action. Miner „Superbot“ vHLer @Rhynex Entertainment came on the ice with leadership qualities worth of an experienced VHL veteran. This even further supports the team chemistry and will to fight untill the last breath. Speaking of team chemistry, we can be sure that guys are always having a good time in the locker room. One of the most active members, Nathan Ecker @Nathan_8, even gained some spotlight during these days, facing allegations about heavy drinking. That on it’s own would be inappropriate for a hockey player but this is further shocking due to Nathan’s age. He is only 16 years old. No member of the team expressed any confirming or denying comments, however. And so, we are once again stuck with substance abuse allegations faced towards a Bulls player. And speaking of which.. @AJW hinted that during the play-offs, Ondrej Vencko should take on the role of a starting goaltender. That surprised many people and journalists, myself included to certain extent. However, Bulls GM refused to elaborate on this topic, stating that we shall learn more about all his on a press conference, if he decides to call one. When it comes to Vencko himself, he seems to be on a good pace and, roll the drums, even sober! He and Herald @Benson were basically dividing games between themselves and both of them recorded their first shutouts in the last few days! Seems like gossips and rumors can pump one up, right? As we took a look at the team, you can be sure that they can put up a great show and even greater hockey in the play-offs. The team’s depth is deeper than the Pacific and passion they show for the game is spectacular. They’re really hot this season. I sure hope they won’t melt the rink when the play-offs come! Good luck, Houston! For Houston Gossiper Ben Icio del Torro 702 words for week ending 2/18/2024
  19. Mutti

    TPA Recall

    Hey there! I bought two TPE recalls, I would like to recall as follows: 1. LD stat from 45 to 35 2. AG stat from 55 to 45
  20. Hey there, donated 5 CAD. ID here: 9VW963227C455111K I would like 1.000.000 dollars cash into Player Store, please.
  21. If you want to drink some beer, Czech goalie is the man to go to. Cheers!
  22. Welcome to a special and rather unexpected edition of Houston Gossiper. We obtained a shocking news regarding the Houston hockey team: Ondrej Vencko has been assaulted! To start this week off, Bulls‘ goaltender did an interview with a sweet colleague of mine, Lauren Lambert (go check it out, btw, it is spectacular writing). Mere minutes after leaving the studio, he was approached by a rather obese guy, who slapped the goalie in the face, while shouting (presumeably) insults in an utterly unpleasant and ear-tearing gibberish, also known as German language. Luckily, two police officers were patrolling the street just around the corner, so they quickly took care of the attacker. The man, roughly in his thirties, is now in custody. His motive is unknown. However, the officers stated that the man was mumbling a melody of German anthem during his transport to the police station. Could the suspect be a member of some ultra-nationalistic German movement? Who knows. It would make sense, however, when we take into consideration that Ondra comes from an area of Czechia formerly known as the Sudetenland which had a large German community before and during the World War II. Police is now investigating whether an organised group of such extremists can be lurning the streets of Houston. According to professor Zweistein, some Germans hold grudge towards Czechs for forcefull movement of Germans out of Sudetenland after the War, which wasn’t very nice in many cases. This violence towards a man who logically couldn’t influence any events that happened almost 80 years ago is, however, completely unjustified. Ondra himself is fine and not really hurt. „It was more of a scare than of an attempt on my life“, he told us. Let’s hope that this event doesn’t influence Ondra’s game in a negative way. For Houston Gossiper Ben Icio del Torro 305 words for week ending 2/11/2024
  23. Game 200 recap: This game between Miami Marauders and Houston Bulls was expected to be a fairly ballanced and close one. After all, the teams are just a few points apart in the standings. However, the game turned out to be very different than we expected. 1st period Houston's Benjamin Abenduct opened the score. His goal was followed by another one soon after, this time by Barry McOckiner. However, as Bulls showed a passion for scoring, they also showed their passion in playing physical. This lead to three different powerplays, one of which let to a goal by Bilbo Teebaggins of Miami. The one-goal-game did not last for long, however, as soon after, Tyler Lawson of Houston scored team's third goal. Thus, the period ended with a 3-1 in favor of Houston. 2nd period In the second period, Miami was looking to turn things around. This eventually lead to a more physical game from them, they couldn't capitalise on it, though. Miami and Houston exchanged penalties and Harold Benson of Houston was amazing in the net, stopping every attempt Miami had. To add the salt to injury for Marauders, Houston added 4th goal to the board. Things were looking grim for Miami heading to the end of the period. 3rd period Third and last period of this match definitely showed who dominated the ice that evening. Miami played even more physical game, which, sadly, only lead to two power-plays for Houston, one of which they utilised to score their 5th goal of the night. This marked the end of hope for Miami in that game, as it was the last goal of the night. Both teams tried their hardest, that was obvious. However, only Houston was able to capitalise on their efforts. Plus, their goalie Benson was unstoppable. Overall, however, it was a thrilling and enjoyable game. Fans will surely look forward to seeing more games like this! - Ben Icio del Torro
  24. Hello and thanks for having me here. I can see the question are prepared, so.. Let's get started, shall we? 1. We aren't as good as we used to be, at least in the past 10 games played. 3-6-1 through our last 10 games, what do we need to do as a team to get back on the winning track? - I think that we still show signs of development. However, the concrete is becoming to solidify and we are on our way to find a perfect groove as a team. I think that further training and getting used to our lines might do the trick. ------------------------------- 2. With our roster now set we do not need to add any new players to the team this season. What is the best feeling about being part of a full 12-6-2 roster? Are there any negatives you find? - The best feeling about that is obviously the feeling of completion. I think that now, that we are complete, we are fully competent to show our overall qualities. Only negative aspect I'd mention is getting used to it, which may take a bit of time to achieve. But I believe in the team. We got a great spirit! ------------------------------- 3. Trade Deadline is here and Houston has two new faces joining us to complete our roster. @CowboyinAmerica was traded from Halifax and @KRZY signed from waivers, these two are fresh meat in the locker room. What is something these players should know about Houston and our team? Are there any cool spots in Houston you want them to know about? - I think they should be prepared for an immense amount of humor in the locker, haha. But I believe they will get used to it quickly, if they haven't done so yet. I would certainly recommend some places with minorities from abroad. Especially if they like food. I certainly do, hehe. ------------------------------- 4. Playoffs are always in the back of my mind. Since drafting, trading, and signing each player this season, my goal is always to get to the playoffs. Looks like we got a good shot this season to make it! What is the one team you DO NOT want to go up against in the 1st round? VHLM playoffs take the top 8/10 teams in the league. - I wouldn't like to go against Las Vegas.. Because I don't like Las Vegas. No offense to the residents, I just don't fancy the place. Anyway, if we turn out to go against them anyway, I will have to just.. Get through it, somehow. I think we have a good chance to perhaps surprise some teams in the play-offs! ------------------------------- 5. I have always loved Taco Tuesdays, Wine Wednesdays, Freaky Fridays, etc... Which day of the week is your go to "event day"? Is there a day of the week where you have a routine meal or event? - Oooo, from those mentioned, I would certainly choose Wine Wednesdays. Shame that we don't have a day of week starting with "B", cause I would use that one for beer drinking. Perhaps.. Thirsty Thursday? ------------------------------- 6. It's GM day! I literally just made that up. For GM day you are required to give me something. This "something" can be anything! A unicycle? Sure! Some baby turtles and a tank for them to live in? Thank you very much! What is one thing you would like to give to me, your GM, if you could give me anything? - A kitty named Bully, team jersey with "BEST GM" on the back and a hug, because you are awesome, man. Haha! ------------------------------- Thanks once again for having me, it was a pleasure! See you next time! -O
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