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Status Replies posted by Nathan_8

    1. Nathan_8


      Thats smart af gonna have to do this for the yt its rough out there but follow the tik tok people

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  1. Canadians how do you feel that America beat you on Monday and Wednesday?

  2. Canadians how do you feel that America beat you on Monday and Wednesday?

  3. Is there an mobile app for this league? I keep forgetting to come back. 😭

  4. TFW you've been scouted by as many VHLM teams as there are E GMs 🤔


    And most of the ones who haven't don't have a first-round pick 🤔


    Thanks GMs for doing your homework!

    1. Nathan_8


      your welcome also thank the agms I think piffer is the one who sent u the scouting message

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Is It Cold In Here Draft Day GIF by Children Ruin Everything

    1. Nathan_8


      is this bc the VHL draft is tmrw

  6. Congrats Taylor Swift on winning the superbowl lmaooo  

  7. Just dropped my iPhone 8 in the tub, fuck. Do I get a new one or dry it out??? 

  8. Why are people so dumb with ai? Wonder who is next dumb one to be caught?!

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