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Posts posted by brooks.

  1. I hated it tbh, the gangsters were so fucking stupid.


    But it was funny.

    Yeah... but now knowing that it's Die Antwoord it makes sense. The gangsters fucking sucked but the way Chappie interacted with them was pretty sweet.

  2. Did anyone see this film? It's really great. Die Antwoord play a pair of gangsters with their Mexican friend. The kid from Slumdog Millionaire creates a robot race and bonds with a new, upgraded, sentient robot who is named Chappie.


    It's oddly human, really satisfying, strangely funny, definitely weird and has an ending that I really couldn't predict/didn't see coming but didn't find to be unbelievable. 


    Check it out. It's in Redbox or you can watch it on yify.tv.

  3. Today I went out to the store to get a sandwich. This woman I work with asked me to get her one also.


    She wanted:


    A club sandwich with turkey, spicy mayo, black olives, banana peppers and spinach. No tomato, no lettuce.


    So first of all that sounds disgusting.


    But so then I get there and you literally cannot get those things on a club sandwich. She would have had a bread and turkey sandwich.


    So instead, to spite her, I got this awful ass sandwich for her. It was:


    Turkey, cucumber, spinach, chipotle mayo, sweet peppers, onions and a toasted wheat bun. Oh man... she was so disappointed.


    It was great. Best $5 I've ever spent. 


    That's my story.


    BTW my sandwich is delicious. :)

  4. Well a DDOS will cease when the hacker stops giving a shit won't it? And if the host would cooperate couldn't they (or we) trace the IP addresses attacking and identify the source? They usually come from a common server or subnet mask, right?

  5. I know Dannywar on Xbox Live so I can shoot him a message if he hasn't turned up yet. Should be able to find Quik too. His first name is Matt, can't remember his last but is starts with B. If he still has MSN messenger or uses that email I can get in touch with him I think.

  6. Could somebody please explain to me what happened? 


    Basically I am to understand the previous board was "attacked" and that there is no chance at recovering it? Somehow though you have all of the data stored on a backup I hear. What can be done with that?


    Who was it that "attacked" us? Was this an SMF issue? Or does this have something to do with Adobe's information being hacked and some 29 million people having their data compromised? Was any of our private data compromised?


    Sorry for what happened and for stalking you folks all over the internet haha. At least the original Invisionfree boards rate pretty high on a Google search so it was easy to find you. 

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