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SITR: Rhynex Entertainment S76 year-end Interview

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SITR: Rhynex Entertainment S76 year-end Interview


Host: Thank you for tuning into VHL Network, Stick In The Rink! We come to you live in New York City, New York! Tonight, we have a special guest coming in. We have your very own VHL star of the New York Americans, Rhynex Entertainment @Rhynex Entertainment! Please welcome Rhynex Entertainment! (camera focuses on the audience showing a standing ovation, round of applause, and cheering. Rhynex Entertainment walks out from the backstage)


                Welcome Rhynex! Thanks for finding time to come in today!


Rhynex Entertainment: Thank you for having me! It's nice to be back!


Host: Thank you! Your VHL sophomore season has ended. Tell us about your season with New York Americans. What are your thoughts in your season and how you've performed?


Rhynex Entertainment: Season 76 has been a surprisingly eventful experience. I feel we, New York Americans, as a team had a pretty decent season. While it wasn't the result that I had hoped for, it was still a worthwhile experience for such a young, like ours. We're definitely heading in the right direction. I expect great things for next season, season 76 had always been a year for us to build and grow given how many rookies we have on the team.


Host: Definitely an improving team, the New York Americans have acquired 12 points more in season 76 compared to season 75, but you also happened to remain the worse team defensively. What are things you feel you need to work on for Season 77 to help bring New York into the playoffs?


Rhynex Entertainment: Defensive play is definitely something that I need to work on, and something I have been working on, but I know I'm still far away from reaching my expectations. If we're making the playoffs in Season 77, we will need to improve our defensive play and score even more goals. I feel we can definitely do that. Have a look at our roster now, we already have 6 players hovering around the 500 (TPA) mark. We're a young team with a very young and growing core.


Host: You make it sound so simple! Let's talk about your season production. How do you feel about your season production in Season 76? Our analysts showed that you got roughed up even more this season compared to your rookie season! You had only been hit 286 times last season, but you got hit 296 times in Season 76! How do you feel about being the target of attention every night?


Rhynex Entertainment: It's great! Actually I'm glad I'm still the primary target on the team. It definitely takes the pressure off the rooks. Plus I didn't dip in my production. I had a great season, although I am a bit disappointed in my passing.


Host: Of course! You had a terrific offensive season with 44 goals, 53 assists and 97 points! What's there to be disappointed about, you've improved in area of your game! What do you feel New York needs to do this offseason and the next step that needs to be taken for the playoffs?


Rhynex Entertainment: I dipped in my assist game and haven't scored very well when it mattered. Definitely something I need to work on. To be honest, there's a lot that could be done to help the team reach the playoffs. On the other hand there's also not much we need to do if everyone continues to put in hard work. We could always use a nice Free Agent pick up, but that 100% necessary. I have faith in our team and in @Esso2264 and @dlamb.


Host: Good stuff! We are running out of time, are there any departing words for the fans out there?


Rhynex Entertainment:  Thank you for coming out to cheer for the Americans every night even when we are struggling out there! We are a very young team and the future looks very bright! Have faith in the process, we will dominate this league soon enough! (loud cheers and a standing ovation)


Host: There we have it! Rhynex Entertainment, everyone! Thank you for coming in, we hope to see you again!


(Word count 693)




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