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Steven Smyl retires


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This may come as a surprise to few, but I've hated Smyl for quite some time now. I'm not too sure why he didn't work out in the sim or why he was just so bad all the time (minus last world cup and last regular season). It's time for this choke artist to make his final stand though. 


I've been losing interest with this player simply because he doesn't want to perform, and being the reason your team loses some games is just absolutely awful. I apologize to Seattle for all the times I ruined any possible runs we could have had, but I'm happy that Smyl will get to retire a Bear! I had a blast with the team and I'm looking forward to this one last run. 


I'll throw my hat in to the super draft pool of S40. Definitely looking forward to this!


And yes, I'll actually reach eight seasons this time around... maybe.


Edit: Also, fuck Moher and Bagel for always being better.

Edited by Toast
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It was great playing with you as I've said in the locker room. It's sad we couldn't get a better team infront of Smyl but either way it was a good run of fucking shit up and doing nothing in the playoffs. Now maybe our new guys can be on the same team and actually win something this time around!

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  • Commissioner

Being a goalie in the VHL is a rough time. The engine makes creating a good goalie a complete crap shoot and you’ll have games where you get destroyed for no logical reasons. I definitely understand the annoyance.

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