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  On 5/21/2021 at 8:34 PM, BladeMaiden said:


@Renomitsu Made this for my V's sister from another mister, I miss being on your team and hopefully  you can tell I think you are out of this world.




hello, I am blademaiden simp#14 and I am here to review your graphic



I think there isn't too much wrong here, besides the upward drop-shadow on the player render. To me, the jersey swap looks pretty nice actually and I'm pretty sure the shoulder # was changed and a good job was done on it as well IMO. The split background is interesting as it kind of looks like a 3d corner/edge sort of thing where the spacey wall meets the grey floor. 


My biggest advice for you would be to stop doing massive reso graphics and do the traditional sim-league sized graphic for awhile. The main reason is that glaring errors are less noticeable at lower resolution, not that there are any glaring erros here, but it's easier to over-analyze a graphic when it's in such a huge resolution.



This has been my review, thank you for submitting graphics on VHL.



7.2/10 APPROVED 

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