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Dear VHL. From Randy Marsh


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Dear VHL,


Randy Marsh here with an open letter to all the players and teams out there. As you may know it is my final season in the VHL and I do have a few goals and fights left in me before I go back to Tegridy Farms. Now the goals have been coming as easily as a spooky ghost, but the fights not so much. Now I know I am an imposing figure, but gaul I didn't think it would be so scary to fight a middle out of shape dad like myself. I thought this was America, where any red blooded hockey player would drop the gloves at a moments notice. 


I do hear from many anti fighting hockey fans, who say things like "The players should all wear bras! And instead of helmets, they should wear little tinfoil hats, ‘cause, you know, it’s the future and we shouldn’t be so barbaric!" The pansification of hockey is well underway and well I'm just trying to keep it old fashioned.


So I'm giving an open invitation for any VHL player to fight me, cause I for one didn't hear no bell!




Randy Marsh


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