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Miklavz - RigaReign


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  • 2 weeks later...


What a great looking graphic. Your text is really fun to look at and the background really highlights the other elements. Nice logo swap and other top layer effects are not distracting. I wonder what it would look like if the render were larger. Good stuff all around. 


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Review: Great work! This is incredible.



+ That logo replacement on the jersey looks so realistic. It blends so well that I can't tell if that isn't a real jersey.

+ The sparks / distortion on the jersey gives the overall image that eye catching pop.

+ I love how big the player name is and how much it stands out. The Riga colors are a nice touch too.



- My only gripe is that "Riga Reign" is just a bit too transparent. I think it should be a bit more solid. Maybe even move it to the bottom left corner so it doesn't stand out too much.


Overall this is amazing. I think the positives outweigh the negatives so I can't give this anything but a 9.75/10. Excellent work!

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I'm a fan of this one. I like the colouring and jersey change is nice. The text is cool, but I agree with a couple of the other reviews in that the Riga Reign text could use some work.. Also, I generally don't like to use three different fonts that are that prominant in the sig. The render face could use some work to show more detail. I like the orange spatter effect. I think when blending it out I would have used a less soft prush, just as the spatter is pretty sharp looking, so I don't think it should gade the way it does. Great work tho!



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