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Dear diary,


I claimed welfare last week for the first time in about a year. I don’t want to say that I’m a bit of a perfectionist–there are a lot of things that I don’t dedicate time and energy to in effort to make it as high quality as possible. Take my media spots! I’ve stated multiple times that I don’t proofread, and I’ve even written a whole article whose main takeaway was “I wanted to answer a question I had but realized it was too hard, so I didn’t find the answer.” For about 500 words, I talked about how I learned nothing other than the fact that the answer to a question I had was too complex for me to figure out.


That being said, I do like to keep things tidy. For a year, especially through school, I took time to create crosswords, spend an hour or so in a microsoft-paint equivalent software creating a graphic (that I was honestly pretty happy with, only to get a .5/10 review and be told that they hope this isn’t the standard for graphics. You know who you are, and politely fuck you), write shitty articles, and record podcasts with friends just for those 6 TPE a week. However, as I’m working over 40 hours a week, trying to maintain healthy relationships with my friends, family, and myself, getting those two extra TPE doesn’t really have a great place in my life.


I’m still around, doing the mod things, lurking gen chat, whatever. But 2 more TPE to shit out an article about how my player isn’t doing well, how SS Hornet cursed Chicago (sorry Wolf, nothing personal, I don’t even check sim results anymore), or doing think pieces on the current state of the league just doesn’t feel worth it. I’ve never been super into the role playing aspect of the league–I’m not Matty Socks, he’s a fictional thing with only a surface-layer personality that I don’t relate to. I don’t follow hockey and the rules aren’t something that my brain is willing to retain, so it’s really difficult for me to dive head-first into the league from that perspective.


Claiming welfare was sweet. So, so sweet. I know a handful of people who are earning as fast as they can now in order to be able to get the 5-TPE pension. I’m one of those people, staying on the grind so that I’ll only miss out on 1 TPE a week instead of 2.


But man, with the league being somewhat stagnant lately (sorry E fans, I just can’t get into something that hasn’t started yet), I haven’t found much inspiration for creating content. I don’t know if this is temporary, and if it is, then whatever.


I’ve seen plenty of people talk about how TPE really is not as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be. Beketov is one who consistently comments on the “TPE whores” in this league. I used to be one of them, so I completely understand wanting to keep a tidy update log with your pretty little 13 or 14/week. On the other hand though, welfare is great. I love welfare. I can contribute to the league in ways other than writing bad, 500-word articles, making low-quality graphics, or recording podcasts with friends where we talk about the league for 15 out of 50 minutes.


Who knows. I’m tired and honestly kinda bored, but I’m not surprised. That always happens when I find new interests–I dedicate a bunch of time and energy into it for a while, then I get bored. The excitement will come back soon.



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3 hours ago, fishy said:

Beketov is one who consistently comments on the “TPE whores” in this league.

Do I? In what way? Or do you just mean my opinion that TPE isn’t the be all end all and chemistry will almost always win out?

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