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The Watchmen now Watch the Brendan Marner Saga


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The big question players on the Watchmen have been asking themselves is, what happened? Most of the watchmen have been asking this question after a stunning sweep in the first round of the playoffs.  


Brendan Marner made a bold prediction, he thought he would get more points in the playoffs than he did all season, but he was clearly wrong. This kid had 11 points and 2 goals in 72 regular season games, and in the playoffs, well, he had no points in the 4 games. This was definitely a bust, and was see after screaming into the abyss,” I hate those Gladiators!” He clearly didn’t take the loss too well, and teammates said he started throwing his clubs around the next day at golf.


Its is believed that the Gladiators were good at finding Brendan’s weak spots on the ice, and would attack it, even with the video evidence, Brendan denies that, he said,” The problem was that I was the refs, always in the way, not calling the right calls, and not allowing the goals that should’ve been goals…” he goes on, “…There was a clear cut too many men call that should’ve happened, there was 4 extra Gladiators on the ice at all times. Just because they changed into black and white shirts, does not mean they are not playing for the Gladiators.” Another bold claim coming from Brendan and is unnecessary according to the coaching staff and GM as they thought the Gladiators just completely outplayed the Watchmen.


 There was another theory why Brendan didn’t play so well, some people reported seeing him at parties and reported seeing him heavily drinking on game nights as well as staying up until 5am on said game nights. We wanted to see what he would say, so we went to the hotel the team was staying at for the final conference the next day and asked to see Brendan. With the request to see him, and mentioning the said rumor, the coach wanted to talk with him, and invited us to join. When we walked into the room, he appeared to be sleeping so we didn’t want to pursue further, however the coach decided to go right up to the bed to wake him, and what we found was shocking. Multiple pillows were stacked and spread out under the blankets, and there was a mannequin head facing the opposite way of the door. The coach was visibly mad and told us to leave, but we didn’t leave without the best shot!


This was a crazy story we wanted to run with, but we still need Brendan’s side of the story, so we went on the search. We found him at a local coffee shop and at that time we had the chance, when we asked about the party rumor's going on, he said, “Get this camera out of my Goddamn face!” Just a brilliant response! We will say on the topic in case any new leads come around, and we will keep you updated. In the meantime, what happened to the Watchmen? Are these rumors true? What punishment would be appropriate for Brendan?

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Review: 9/10


Thought it was a fun one, or at least more fun than Marner's had recently. Always like the storylines that tie into what we see on the ice, and could definitely see you continuing this one into future seasons. Here's to hoping you avoid punishment! The article itself read well, and easily flowed from beginning to end. A few grammar errors in there like "Its is" and some weird quotation mark stuff, which is the reason for the small knock. But it wasn't too distracting, all in all a great article.

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