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Sergey Preobrazhensky Takes on Reporters


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Sergey Preobrazhensky Takes on Reporters

Moscow - Our very own Russian star, Sergey Preobrazhensky took on the media before he heads back to the United States to ramp up his hockey training and career. It was a great mystery about how and where Sergey and his future will land, we tried our best to get down to the bottom of this. But there are still many things that are almost certain about Sergey. Although uncertain, reports say that Sergey will be playing back in his home continent of Europe in the VHLE! Meaning we will be able to reach out and watch Sergey’s brilliance without flying across the world into North America. But there are much deeper questions than what league he will be playing in. How is he handling his first VHL offseason? Have any teams even reached out to Sergey yet about playing for them? These are some of the questions expressed during Sergey’s presser, what did he say about these questions you ask? Here are some of the highlights in Sergey Preobrazhensky’s presser.

{Translated to English} Reporter: “Hello Sergey, it’s been exciting to watch you playing hockey professionally overseas, although it must be challenging to accept and adapt to the American lifestyle. Have you ever thought about returning back to Europe or even back to Russia?”

{Translated to English} Sergey: “Yes, it’s been lingering in the back of my head recently, but that’s not the most important thing in my head right now. What’s important to me is to develop and play hockey professionally in the VHL. No matter what country or continent it may be.”

{Translated to English} Reporter: “So you talked about playing professional hockey wherever it may be. Do you know or have a hint on where you are going? Or has any team expressed interest in you?”

{Translated to English} Sergey: “Uhhh, I’m not so sure about what team I’m going to yet. I’m just as curious as you guys about that. But what I do know is that tons of teams have expressed interest in me. I mean, who wouldn’t want me on their team?” He said with a big smirk on his face

{Translated to English} Reporter: The offseason is all about improving right? How did the offseason change you as a person and a player?

{Translated to English} Sergey: I’d like to say I’ve improved greatly as a player overall. One specific thing that I’ve noticed is that my mentality has improved, I’m much more confident and I can feel like I can’t do anything wrong. It’s a game changer for me, especially when you're playing on a world stage like I am now. Everything in the past is in the past, I can’t dwell on my successes or defeats. It’s about the present and what I’m doing right now to become the best version of myself.

These were Sergey’s last words as he boarded his plane back to America. All eyes are now on the draft and particularly, where Sergey will land. Only time will tell what team wants Sergey’s amazing skills on their team.

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I enjoyed the flow of the article as well as the nice few touches with the color during the translated portions. That added a nice little pop to the article. It was interesting to read about your player and him coming over the to US to play hockey. I would only maybe add a picture but other then that the article was great. Well done! 9/10

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       This media spot has a very nice structure overall. It starts with a great intro that has a great story. It flows nicely into the next phase which is the interview. The colour change is a very nice for the interview and helps the reader for sure. Grammar looks pretty good to me after closely analyzing several sentences from multiple paragraphs. 9/10

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