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The effects on this sig are dope. Colors are nice, lighting is some of the best I've seen from you. The background and paint splatters compliment each other well. If you removed the text, this would be top-tier. Text is holding this back though, looks slapped-on compared to everything else. If you fixed it up a bit, this would be a 10.



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This looks 100% sick! Definitely one of the best graphics I've seen in a while. The colors and effects are incredible and so is the logo on the jersey. I don't mind the text, the placement of it makes sense to me since it makes "alex" look great on top of the white background. With that said it would have also worked just fine without the text, but I also see why you'd want it there. The only thing I'd change would be the '3d effect'/white color drop from the surname, it would have been cool to see if it was better with just 'flat text' on that black bar. Really sick overall, easily 10/10 from me.

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I like the effects and the choice of colours. The logo swap looks seamless and you even did the little one on the neckline. And if the text were place more 'fitting-inly' than it is it would be 1-1.5 marks higher. As it is I rate it 8.5/10

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Ulalala this is some sexy piece! Looking at this and needing to give it a review is hard, because it is so well done for my naked eye that I don't know what could be improved or done better. The effects are applied neatly, the background is done very good and all in all everything blends together perfectly. Usually I would say something about the text as most people struggle with it, but not even that. Some smart choices have been done here and I am pleased to see such a work.

Rating: 9/10

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The effects are very good on this sig and fits in very well.  And I mean very well, couldn't have done it better.  It doesn't even look like the logos have been swapped, it blends in perfectly with the jersey.  The only thing I'd change with this is the text and the helmet, making the text smaller is something I would like to see happen.  The helmet also kinda feels a bit "off" it doesn't really fit the colors and the effects.  Other than that this is absolutely awesome! 9/10

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I love that you used the LA kings silver bucket Render. the flow and the entire signature work very well here. My eyes go to the Johnson text first then to the render that is blended well into the background. the Helsinki Logo looks off against the black stripes but its barley noticeable. over all a wonderful Signature and a great outing. 9.6/10

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Very nice background and very good blending. This speaks Helsinki colors and is very easy on the eyes to look at. The text is a great design but it could definitely use a bit more texture to blend in with the sig more. It's a little too out in front and kind of makes the sig look incomplete. I think this sig would have been a great candidate to have rounded corners like you see on some. Other than that - it is a simple nice sig with one of the better backgrounds I've seen.



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Really like the bg and blending work as well as the logo swap. The border and black box behind the text, maybe it would work better as a dark grey like in the bg. I think this one of your better ones. Overall 8.5/10

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Review: Wow. Just wow. The logo swap is clean, the text looks great, and the background is methodically chosen. The lighting really brings this image out. No complaints, like at all. 10/10!

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