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Geneva Rush Press Conference

3 Questions Answered = 1 Capped TPE

6 Questions Answered = 2 Capped TPE

Please answer in full sentences

Week Ending December 5th, 2021


1. Welcome to the Geneva Rush! The team was moved from the great territory of Yukon, Canada to the city of Geneva, Switzerland. What are your thoughts on the change and specifically the name and city chosen?


2. With the team’s first draft 3 players were selected that are playing in the VHLE this season with a bunch more prospects. What are your thoughts on the draft, are you happy with the spot you were chosen and the team you were chosen by?


3. What team drafted you in the VHL? Are you excited to play for that team in the future and how many seasons do you plan to stay in the E before you move up to the VHL?


4. The season just started and we are 5-4-3, what are your thoughts on how you are doing and how the team is doing?


5. Having Oslo join the league at the same time as Geneva automatically makes us rivals as people will compare our two teams closely. Do you think we are better then Oslo? Will we finish with a better record?


6. What type of player are you and why have you chosen to build that way? (Example: Offensive Defensemen, Power Forward, Sniper)


7. What is your favourite movie of all time? When you watch a movie what is your go to movie snack besides popcorn?


8. What is something you regret not doing or something crazy you did that you instantly regretted?

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  • 1 month later...


Offseason Press Conference S82 #1

3 for 1tpe 6 for 2tpe


1. the rush made a trade yesterday of the time I'm writing this (sam to halifax, Minion to Geneva), How excited are you to have been apart of the first ever gm trade?


2. We right now have the first overall pick in the draft (Unless the change their mind and do a lottery) and another top five pick how excited are you for the E draft with this in mind?


3. with a solid amount of prospects ready to make the jump, do we have a chance at the cup next season?


4.  who wins the E playoffs series (Rome VS Istanbul) (Stockholm Vs cologne) 


Fun questions 

5.who is the Best super hero?


6. you are gm for the day, What is you first move?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Off Season - Draft Edition
3 Questions for 1 TPE, 6 Questions for 2 TPE
Week Ending January 30th, 2022 


1.  From 1 to 10! How did you find this year's draft? 
2. Do you agree with the position you were drafted to? If so, why?
3. Are you happy that you were selected by our team? 
4. If you had an improvement to make in relation to the VHLE draft! What would you do? 
5. What is your goal as a player for Geneva Rush? 
6. Following the official retirement of Willie O'Ree! Who is your favorite NHL player?


Edited by Agito
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1.  From 1 to 10! How did you find this year's draft? 

Well, I was drafted so I'd give it a 10! Of course, having the first overall pick helps a lot too!
2. Do you agree with the position you were drafted to? If so, why?

I'd say being drafted in the fifth round is right around where I was expecting. Everyone in the round was in the same ballpark in terms of TPE and I didn't have the greatest season in the VHLM so it makes a lot of sense.
3. Are you happy that you were selected by our team? 

Feels fantastic! There are a few familiar faces on the team and a lot of potential in each player!
4. If you had an improvement to make in relation to the VHLE draft! What would you do? 

I haven't been around long enough to have changes in mind.
5. What is your goal as a player for Geneva Rush? 

The goal is to grow into a dependable defenseman teams can rely on. It might take a season or two, but I'll get there!
6. Following the official retirement of Willie O'Ree! Who is your favorite NHL player?

In terms of past players, it's Paul Kariya. Among active players, I'm a fan of Kris Letang, though Makar and McDavid are probably two of the most entertaining players to watch.

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1.  From 1 to 10! How did you find this year's draft? 

A solid 8, lots or new players moving up and we also grabbed some great names for now and the future 

2. Do you agree with the position you were drafted to? If so, why?

Not at all but I understood why after the dust settled, never though I'd ever go 1st

3. Are you happy that you were selected by our team? 

Of course, don't know any teams in this league so it's nice to finally be part or a franchise, we have familiar faces and should have tons of opportunities to shine every game

4. If you had an improvement to make in relation to the VHLE draft! What would you do? 

Add in videos instead of players during the draft stream

5. What is your goal as a player for Geneva Rush? 

Win and win some more, wont be here long and since I'm close to the cap I want to break some of these young records already set

6. Following the official retirement of Willie O'Ree! Who is your favorite NHL player?

Antoine Vermette, good on every line and very useful on the PK

Edited by Zack
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13 hours ago, Agito said:

Off Season - Draft Edition
3 Questions for 1 TPE, 6 Questions for 2 TPE
Week Ending January 30th, 2022 


1. I think that this years draft was a 9. We did pick up some very key members to this team and I think that we could make a deep run with the players we have drafted and gotten.


2. Well yes. I have definitely not proved myself inside of this league and even drafting me where I am was a big risk. I think that the position I was drafted in was just about right due to be being fairly new to this competition 


3. Of course, I think that the Geneva Rush is the perfect team and it’s a good team to start of with in my first season.


4. I think that it was a well done draft. I don’t think that there is really anything needed which needed to be added/changed in how the draft was shown


5. I think that a goal which I have for this team is for me to go on the ice and contribute in any and every way I can. This can be done with anything from the defence to the shot making i think that the best goal to have is to not have a goal and just try your hardest to be the best

6. My favourite hockey player is definitely Quinn Hughes (who would’ve thought), amazing player on the offence and and even better defensive player making him one of the best rookies in the business 

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1.  From 1 to 10! How did you find this year's draft? 

I'll go with a 5. I didn't hate it, but I missed a lot - didn't catch the VHLE draft at all, and didn't make it to the VHL draft in time to see myself get picked. But all in all I'm not upset with the outcome.

2. Do you agree with the position you were drafted to? If so, why?

I think it's about fair. I went in about the right place in the VHLE considering the cap. To be honest I think 5th might've been too high for me in the VHL draft but I'll take it.

3. Are you happy that you were selected by our team? 

I don't really have any opinions about VHLE teams other than that I like Vasteras a lot and was kinda hoping to end up there. But it doesn't look like they needed a defenseman so in that case it doesn't really bother me. Hopefully things go well with Geneva!

4. If you had an improvement to make in relation to the VHLE draft! What would you do? 

I feel like it's kinda in a weird spot where people aren't as interested in it. I don't know if that could be helped with more articles/coverage or if that just has to do with the nature of the VHLE. It'd be cool to see a VHLE mock draft or two, I guess. To be honest I didn't really care too much about it so it kinda felt weird to get a bunch of VHLE interviews when I was really thinking more about the VHL draft at the time.

5. What is your goal as a player for Geneva Rush? 

Win the cup. Nothing else, really. I want to win all three cups with Dvorak.

6. Following the official retirement of Willie O'Ree! Who is your favorite NHL player?

Uhhh I don't really follow the NHL so I wouldn't really have an answer. Sorry.

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Off Season - Trade Edition
3 Questions for 1 TPE, 6 Questions for 2 TPE
Week Ending February 6th, 2022

1. Last week we had an exchange with the Red Wolves of Istanbul. How do you feel about the trade ?
2. Perry Laperriere had a great season with his former team, 36 goals and 57 assists! Do you think we have acquired a player who could bring us the cup this season? 
3. Nagy AL and Jason Coiner left us during this exchange! Do you think this is a trade that could hurt us next season? 
4. We have also signed a free agent! Matty Live! What do you think of this signing? 
5. If you were in our shoes, what exchange would you have made ?
6. What trade would you like to see in the NHL? 


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5 hours ago, Agito said:

1. Last week we had an exchange with the Red Wolves of Istanbul. How do you feel about the trade ?
2. Perry Laperriere had a great season with his former team, 36 goals and 57 assists! Do you think we have acquired a player who could bring us the cup this season? 
3. Nagy AL and Jason Coiner left us during this exchange! Do you think this is a trade that could hurt us next season? 
4. We have also signed a free agent! Matty Live! What do you think of this signing? 
5. If you were in our shoes, what exchange would you have made ?
6. What trade would you like to see in the NHL? 

1. I think that this trade was pretty decent for both sides. We gave up a first round picks and two good prospects but we got a very good player in both the locker room and on the ice, I’d say the trade was fairly balanced for both sides.

2. Yes, Perry and the new people (including me) have made the team a very good team and I think that the team as a very good chance of winning.

3. There is a chance but the thing is, we don’t know what could happen. We could’ve traded two Gretzky’s or we could’ve gotten one, none the less I think that this trade was very well done and it was very good for both sides.

4. I think that the signing is great, we needed some player to help us and this addition might have just been the perfect fit for our team right now.

5. I don’t think I would’ve made a too big deal at the moment seeing that we have a very positive future incoming for this year and the next,

6. As a Canucks fan, I don’t want to see JT Miller to go. However one person I do want to see leave is Poolman. So I say Tucker Poolman for a second and a high level AHL player would be a good deal for us.

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1. Last week we had an exchange with the Red Wolves of Istanbul. How do you feel about the trade ?

I love this trade. It was great for both sides! One team looks to add draft picks and we get an established player.

2. Perry Laperriere had a great season with his former team, 36 goals and 57 assists! Do you think we have acquired a player who could bring us the cup this season? 


Yes, this team is built for success and these new players can help us!

3. Nagy AL and Jason Coiner left us during this exchange! Do you think this is a trade that could hurt us next season? 


There is always a chance a trade could hurt but thats the risk management was willing to take.

4. We have also signed a free agent! Matty Live! What do you think of this signing? 

Amazing signing! Needed more player help and he looks like a good fit for the team.


5. If you were in our shoes, what exchange would you have made ?

Honestly, no idea maybe get another VHLE superstar for a cup run.


6. What trade would you like to see in the NHL? 


JT Miller returning to the NY Rangers!


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Season S82 - Press Conference #1
3 Questions for 1 TPE, 6 Questions for 2 TPE
Week Ending February 13th, 2022

1.  The season started with a difficult start 4 wins for 7 losses. How do you find it?
2.  How can we increase our odds of victory?
3. Despite the worrying departure! Perry Laperriere leads the league with 22 points! What is your reaction to this news? 
4. Pippo Coca seems to be the target of all the other teams with 64 hits in 12 games! Do you think this could be dangerous for our team ? 
5. We will face Vasteras Iron Eagles and Istanbul Red Wolves! Do you think we can win and what are your predictions ? 
6. How did you find the all-stars this year? 

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2 minutes ago, Agito said:

1. The season started with a difficult start 4 wins for 7 losses. How do you find it?
2.  How can we increase our odds of victory?
3. Despite the worrying departure! Perry Laperriere leads the league with 22 points! What is your reaction to this news? 
4. Pippo Coca seems to be the target of all the other teams with 64 hits in 12 games! Do you think this could be dangerous for our team ? 
5. We will face Vasteras Iron Eagles and Istanbul Red Wolves! Do you think we can win and what are your predictions ? 
6. How did you find the all-stars this year? 

1. I think it’s a harsh start however, we can definitely come back no matter how badly we fall. We’ve seen some comebacks before and in the coming weeks, we will definitely somehow succeed is what I really think.

2. One thing which I wish to do to increase our odds is for the defence (including me) to improve. Our core in the defence is fairly young which is why I think increasing this will definitely boost our chances.

3. I think it’s a great news for him, he’s an amazing player for not just the ice, but also inside of the locker room.

4. I don’t think that it could be dangerous. While he is being targeted we are firing right back at them (including by yours truly) and a hit for him will go right back at the other player

5. I do highly wish that we win these teams. I really wish that we win this however, I do doubt we win, in my predictions we win one and lose one.

6. I really haven’t looked at them but knowing the team for these selections I feel like they’ll be an amazing group of people

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Season S82 - Press Conference #2
3 Questions for 1 TPE, 6 Questions for 2 TPE
Week Ending February 21th, 2022

1.  For several games! We have one win and one loss! How can we improve this? 
2.  We are 8 points away from having a playoff spot available! What is the solution to get there? 
3.  During the games! Perry was able to show his talent by staying on top of the scoring charts! One opponent seems to be giving him a hard time! How could he counter the obstacle? 


1 Perry Laperriere (GEN) 42 62
2 Zeljko Ranogajec (COL) 42 62

4.  What do you think would be the perfect combination for Geneva? 
5.  What do you think our rival is?
6.  You are on an island and you can only bring 5 things? What are they?

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On 2/21/2022 at 3:16 PM, Agito said:


Season S82 - Press Conference #2
3 Questions for 1 TPE, 6 Questions for 2 TPE
Week Ending February 21th, 2022

1.  For several games! We have one win and one loss! How can we improve this? 
2.  We are 8 points away from having a playoff spot available! What is the solution to get there? 
3.  During the games! Perry was able to show his talent by staying on top of the scoring charts! One opponent seems to be giving him a hard time! How could he counter the obstacle? 


1 Perry Laperriere (GEN) 42 62
2 Zeljko Ranogajec (COL) 42 62

4.  What do you think would be the perfect combination for Geneva? 
5.  What do you think our rival is?
6.  You are on an island and you can only bring 5 things? What are they?

1). Take a look at what strategies you're using against certain teams and see if any changes can improve outcomes.

2). While I would like to answer this question, the Red Wolves will get that playoff spot 😜

3). Gotta put the puck in the net more. While Zeljko is an assist machine, Perry needs to be firing at the net to keep on top!

4). With lines, focus on your big point producers and ride with them. If you take away playing time from those doing well, it hurts.

5). I'd say Istanbul, but that's a biased answer lol.

6). A rifle with ammo, flint striker for fires, huge roll of tarp for shelter, rope, and a GI shovel.

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On 2/21/2022 at 4:16 PM, Agito said:


Season S82 - Press Conference #2
3 Questions for 1 TPE, 6 Questions for 2 TPE
Week Ending February 21th, 2022

1.  For several games! We have one win and one loss! How can we improve this? 
2.  We are 8 points away from having a playoff spot available! What is the solution to get there? 
3.  During the games! Perry was able to show his talent by staying on top of the scoring charts! One opponent seems to be giving him a hard time! How could he counter the obstacle? 


1 Perry Laperriere (GEN) 42 62
2 Zeljko Ranogajec (COL) 42 62

4.  What do you think would be the perfect combination for Geneva? 
5.  What do you think our rival is?
6.  You are on an island and you can only bring 5 things? What are they?

1. I think we definitely need to slightly improve our defensive core (I’m most definitely working on that) and a slightly better goalie, we also may need a bit more depth in our lines so we’re like the EDM of the VHLE.

2. Seriously we can’t do anything but try our best and hope we can come out with the win more often than not, we’re definitely improving by the game however.

3. Something we can, and should, do is pass the puck more to Perry than the other way round, we need him to shoot however, he can (and possibly will) come out victorious.

4. I think that a good balanced combination of a solid top line defensive pair along with some extra depth and we’re a golden team.

5. Rrrrrrrrrome! Thanks to @comrade catwe’ve built up a good ol’ shoot out game against the team, great team. We’re also neighbours so yea

6. Plane, walkie talkie (or any communication method), pilot, GPS, rations (if the plane doesn’t come with fuel burn the rations)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Press conference

1. On the ouside looking into playoffs, How do you feel about our season overall, Good/Bad/Don't care? Why?

2. I want to do team awards, yes they are coming, any awards you want to see personally given out?

3.Who wins the VHLE cup? The VHLM Cup? and the VHL cup?

4. How excited are you for the offseason? why do you feel that way?

5.Pizza, or taco? what one is better? 

6. If you could be traded right now where would it be to? Why? or would you stay here? why would you stay?

Edited by Minion
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Geneva Rush Press Conference

3 Questions Answered = 1 Capped TPE

6 Questions Answered = 2 Capped TPE

Please answer in full sentences

Week Ending Mar 20 2022

1) What are your goals for next season? (More points, be active, better build)


2) What team do you want to win the VHLM Cup? (Etc... Reapers)


3) What is your players go-to pre game meal is it random or set?


4) Chick-Fil-A or McDonalds (For nuggets ofc)


5) What is your opinion on the Hybrid Meta? (Meh, Bad, Annoying)


6) What is your feeling on the new AGM? (Be honest please 🙂 I wont bite)

Edited by Lilpfigher
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On 3/14/2022 at 11:37 PM, Lilpfigher said:

Geneva Rush Press Conference

3 Questions Answered = 1 Capped TPE

6 Questions Answered = 2 Capped TPE

Please answer in full sentences

Week Ending Mar 20 2022

1) What are your goals for next season? (More points, be active, better build)


2) What team do you want to win the VHLM Cup? (Etc... Reapers)


3) What is your players go-to pre game meal is it random or set?


4) Chick-Fil-A or McDonalds (For nuggets ofc)


5) What is your opinion on the Hybrid Meta? (Meh, Bad, Annoying)


6) What is your feeling on the new AGM? (Be honest please 🙂 I wont bite)

1. I do have many goals for next season but one of my biggest goal to to become more active, I have stopped being a bit active due to school however, I think I can get back on track


2. Mexico since it was my own VHLM team


3. I think dabeli (Indian food) with sev and maggi sauce is really good to eat since it’s not heavy and filling as well


4. None I’m vegetarian hence I can’t choose


5. I don’t think it’s a good thing and I’m really happy that it’s going away because it forces the defence to get better while the offense can chill


6. I’m scared he’ll bite me :) jokes aside I think that you’re an amazing  addition to the squad and an overall great agm at the moment



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Geneva Rush Press Conference

3 Questions Answered = 1 Capped TPE

6 Questions Answered = 2 Capped TPE

Please answer in full sentences

Week Ending Mar.27


1. How do you feel about being on the rush next season 


2. What is your players pre-game ritual


3. Best VHL Team


4. Best Logo in the VHL (including the E, M and L)


5. Your favorite attribute to upgrade


6. Gmail or Hotmail

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Geneva Rush Press Conference

3 Questions Answered = 1 Capped TPE

6 Questions Answered = 2 Capped TPE

Please answer in full sentences

Week Ending Apr.3


1. If you had to choose any other team BUT the rush what would it be and why?


2. How do you feel about the future of the rush moving into the new season!


3.  If you could swap to any other position (Not your Current one OFC) What would it be?


4. As we move into the new season, how do you feel your player is going to preform this season


5. What is the BEST Point Task in your opinion?


6. As a last question, What tournament are you looking forward to the most?

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On 3/28/2022 at 7:58 AM, Lilpfigher said:

Geneva Rush Press Conference

3 Questions Answered = 1 Capped TPE

6 Questions Answered = 2 Capped TPE

Please answer in full sentences

Week Ending Apr.3


1. If you had to choose any other team BUT the rush what would it be and why?


2. How do you feel about the future of the rush moving into the new season!


3.  If you could swap to any other position (Not your Current one OFC) What would it be?


4. As we move into the new season, how do you feel your player is going to preform this season


5. What is the BEST Point Task in your opinion?


6. As a last question, What tournament are you looking forward to the most?

1. The Express lol too bad we lost in the finals
2. I'm excited more opportunities for myself to make an impact as a goalie
3. Probably defenseman
4. I'm expect him to be at the top for sure
5. I like the Affiliate TPE as it helps me out so much
6. Well I don't know much tournaments so idk really

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On 3/28/2022 at 8:58 AM, Lilpfigher said:

Geneva Rush Press Conference

3 Questions Answered = 1 Capped TPE

6 Questions Answered = 2 Capped TPE

Please answer in full sentences

Week Ending Apr.3


1. If you had to choose any other team BUT the rush what would it be and why?


2. How do you feel about the future of the rush moving into the new season!


3.  If you could swap to any other position (Not your Current one OFC) What would it be?


4. As we move into the new season, how do you feel your player is going to preform this season


5. What is the BEST Point Task in your opinion?


6. As a last question, What tournament are you looking forward to the most?

1. Probably for the Watchmen, because my friend is playing there.


2. I think we have a good team and we can make a good run for the cup.


3. Maybe in defense, because it would be a different way to build your player and it also seems nice.


4. I think i could be a good 2 way player in this league, i want to have a good +/-


5. Graphic, it's the only one i do


6. The world cup.

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Geneva Rush Press Conference

3 Questions Answered = 1 Capped TPE

6 Questions Answered = 2 Capped TPE

Please answer in full sentences

Week Ending Apr.10



1. If you could create a new team, what would it be called (City and Team name)


2. Is your player a social bug around the LR or is one of the leaned back guys and gets it done on the ice?


3. How do you like the 2 TPE Practice in the VHLE now? 


4. Would you take a capped inactive player or a earning active lower TPE player and why?


5. How important is the dutys of an AGM


6. Last question so its a fun one! Are you a Starwars fan, StarTrek, Spaceballs or another?

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On 4/4/2022 at 11:51 AM, Lilpfigher said:

Geneva Rush Press Conference

3 Questions Answered = 1 Capped TPE

6 Questions Answered = 2 Capped TPE

Please answer in full sentences

Week Ending Apr.10



1. If you could create a new team, what would it be called (City and Team name)


2. Is your player a social bug around the LR or is one of the leaned back guys and gets it done on the ice?


3. How do you like the 2 TPE Practice in the VHLE now? 


4. Would you take a capped inactive player or a earning active lower TPE player and why?


5. How important is the dutys of an AGM


6. Last question so its a fun one! Are you a Starwars fan, StarTrek, Spaceballs or another?

1. The Québec Titans, because i'm a fan of the Tennessee Titans and i'm from Québec.


2. My player doesn't talk a lot, i'm more of a back guys. I'm not sure if i understand the question lol, but this is my answer.


3. I love it, i want to upgrade my player as fast as possible


4. A lower TPA player because he has more potential.


5. I don't really know how it works, but i think the agm is really important.


6. I'm a Star Wars fan. Obi-wan's my favourite

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Geneva Rush Press Conference

3 Questions Answered = 1 Capped TPE

6 Questions Answered = 2 Capped TPE

Please answer in full sentences

Week Ending Apr.17


1. The Pre-Season is around the corner how do you feel about our team?


2. If you could move the rush to anywhere in Europe where would it be?


3. What is your life like outside of the VHL (E.g. Hobbies, Passions etc.)


4. With practice going upto 2TPE in the VHLE would you like it to go up in the VHL or stay at 1


5. If you could create a PT what would it be


6. Does your player have any brand deals for equipment 


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