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New Years and how to actually make your life just a little better

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January is a time of reflection in my house. We don't worry about new years day and new years resolutions because with a small child and family trying to make time December isn't a great time to do anything of meaning other than keep our head above water. Not saying its bad or anything just that we cannot really seem to think too far ahead then when it comes to new years and resolutions if we have one its usually half formulated and we would fail it in a short amount of time because we don't have any real substance to our resolution. So I try and use the month of January to think of a couple things that I want to try and work on for the new years. Some people may want to do more in the league, which as someone who at least believes he has done a decent amount for the league can with all honesty say that when I was excited about doing things for the league it was a joy. If you have that passion do what you want. For me as I get older and my son gets older I don't know what my relationship with the league will be. Maybe it will come back in waves. Maybe I will be welfare, and keep up slightly. Honestly with the Meta the way it is I could easily do 5 for welare and then do a couple small tasks and just wash my hands of the big points task every week. sure I would lose out on some tpe but if people with half my tpe can do better than my player maybe im the crazy one for working so hard.


Either way right now I am thinking of ways that I want to shape the next year. I'll be honest and say my first priorty has nothing to do with the league. It has to do with my own health. I have been working on my mental health lately with therapy and doing things that I want to do but its not always easy. The thing I will be working on the most at least for this first part of the year will be what I eat. I am lucky enough to have decent genetics and still be relatively young. (early 30's) That I can turn it around. I am healthy in my weight and I'm not the worst but I could be better and start to work with my own body and provide good example for my son. I will be working on getting things in order to be eating healthier in all ways starting the around Jan 10th, with a hard goal of consistenly eating better by Febuary. Giving myself time and grace to allow myself to do this right and set myself and my family up for success.


Things to think about: 
1. Picture your best life and what you would love to see yourself do more and be like
2. What is one thing you can change to make your best life more of a reality.
3. Figure out what is stopping you from making that one thing be more of a reality.
4. Start to remove any blockages.
5. Give yourself grace when you mess up.
6. repeat until you are living your best life.


For what ever your goals are whether they are league related or personal do your best to move toward your goals and not against them.



This was a good read and incredibly motivating towards the end. However at the beginning, its sad to hear that you will be slowing down, albeit, a very good reason to slow down. Also, nice touch on the meta stuff, which is a valid concern. I'm really glad that you've been working on yourself every new years, and asking the right questions here in order to ensure that things will improve for yourself down the line.


This was a great read, I'll be giving this around a 8/10. Great work RJ.

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