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Pearce being skipped


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So giving up that GM means I gotta find a way to replace that 2 tpe. So why not write about my thoughts on Cole Pearce going undrafted in the VHLE


Cole Pearce is in that sweet spot of where he has the option of staying down in the E if he chooses too, or he could go up to the VHL. Now my intentions with him were to try and skip the E, not because of any reason against the E, but mainly as a fun challenge. I started with not max carryover so I was a bit behind if I wanted to skip the E. It was actually really fun trying to earn as much TPE as possible and trying out new PT's that I hadn't done before, such as my podcasting series. When the VHL team interviews started coming in I mainly said that I would come up to the VHL if I was going to be a guaranteed starter for them, since as Spartan said to me, it makes no sense to skip the E as a goalie and serve as a backup when you can play in the E and be a starter. Like 2 teams that were in range to draft me and met what I wanted to go up to the VHL (London and Chicago). As for VHLE teams, I only got 1 interview from a team, which was Stockholm. I basically told Thad that if neither London or Chicago took me then I would likely stay down in the E to play. Mind you this was before the lottery. Then once the lottery went through with London set at 3rd overall and Chicago 4th there at first was a chance I could've gone to someone else, but the intentions behind the picks were discovered pretty quickly and so the first 3 picks of the draft I could've told you who they would be before it happened. Now for what I know the VHLE has a soft cap of 350 and a hard cap of 400, so the option of drafting a player above 350 is a possibility for VHLE gm's, it likely just depends on the intentions of the player they're looking at. So it was probably anticipated by the VHLE gm's that the players above 350 would likely play up. But it just surprises me that being interviewed by just 1 VHLE team and being skipped happened. Either way I was taken 3rd Overall by London so I'm playing up anyways, but if I hadn't been drafted to them or Chicago I would've probably chosen to play in the E where I was undrafted and would've been a free agent. Not that I don't like that option, but it's just a weird circumstance to be in.


Anyways if that made sense or not to you I'm in the mood to get into a discussion if you want one about this, just make sure to quote or @ me otherwise it might take a bit for me to respond lol



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I'm curious what a nine season goalie career will look like - think you'll be the first since I stayed down in the E and there wasn't one eligible last year. You'll at least probably end up the career leader in goalie starts for a while, which is cool.

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Agreed with @CowboyinAmerica, I think it'll be nice history to be the first with 9 seasons worth of games. Curious to see how you'll handle the final season of depreciation, as you can't fight it at all - so a full 7% hit. Hope London pays you some FAT money when they're rebuilding!

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