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MegaBite Sized Berocka #7


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Looking forward to the Cricket Sim!


Yeah, I think a lot of people know Shindigs for his presence on the forum, but he's been doing a lot of stuff away from the forums that's been helping newer players out, which was pretty impressive for someone who 1) Is a new member this season himself and 2) someone who wasn't a VHLM GM.  


Answer to the Questions:

1) Don't have one off-hand but somewhat related to funny names, I was extremely disappointed to find out recently that Marnus Labuschagne was his real name and not what I had been calling him, Marnus LabuschaNGe (which I believe is french for "The Bus Change")

2) I was telling Boom recently how I liked the podcast you three did together, so I wouldn't mind listening to another one. As for new guests though, I listened to KhaleebTheMighty's podcast as well recently and that was very well produced so I'd be interested in either you being on his or vice versa.

3) Red in the shade of the VHLE commissioners member names

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"Elmebeck stuff"

@Berocka I nominated you for the Podcast tournament. I really thought you'd get votes for that too. I felt like you deserved it.


As far as what I was nominated for. I wasn't sure either so I asked Victor for the quotes. Only a minority had to do with anything I did on the forums (A couple Team Clue enjoyers). Most were either from people I GMd in the JST, people I share LRs with or who I just reached out to in DMs to help with league/updating stuff. I didn't necessarily think that stuff was award worthy, but it is what all the quotes were about.


1) I mean it's very hard to top The Board Game Clue On Skates. Most my other ideas would just be Swedish linguistic jokes, so they would be of limited use in the VHL.

2) More Aussies = More better. So slightly more regular 1½ Aussies would be nice to hear. If you manage to drag BOOM on too. That's even better!

3) This is a hard one actually. But let's go with Black, if I have to pick just one.


To answer your final question. There was another VSN podcast recorded. Well, half of it. Only one of them actually hit record. I'll let you guess who forgot.

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@BerockaMake it a Septoduple ring (or whatever one would call a collection of seven items (Horcrux maybe?). Winning the JST, VHLM, WJH, WC, VHLE, VHLM and the Pro-AM...


1.) I am not very creative with Player names... do something Aussie so we can all learn from you some slang... (Sheila Thong or something along the lines)... 

2.) Boot, definitely Boot

3.) I have many colours that I like... Yellow, Black and a dark blue are probably top three... in no specific order


Edited by Daniel Janser
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The vibrations were in fact coming through. Mr. Bougie Aussie Hollywood in here!


I think doing podcasts is relaxing. My truck isn’t a diesel, the constant hum is a combination of it getting the shit beaten out of it and also Saskatchewan roads are atrocious.


Politics keeping you off of the Elmebeck Trophy! We’ll get you there eventually. You just need to spam like the Swedes.


I think you said in a previous podcast that “Kunibuni Unguri” was a Maldivan phrase.


Did you ever interview Quik?


 I’m kind of a bad podcast guest, but I’m always down to try! But you allegedly really enjoyed my Doomsday podcast and that was very rambly and ADHD so I’m sure we’d be fine.


The nice (and aforementioned relaxing) thing about podcasts is that THEY ARE worth 6 TPE, even if you are just rambling! You’re hitting tons of VHL related content! It’s great! It doesn’t need structure or professionalism, contrary to what Boot may lead you to believe.


The Cinco Gold club would have to be championships in the VHLM, WJC, VHLE, World Cup, VHL. Very prestigious!

Funny Player Name: Slurpy Sidurkis

Podcast Guest: @Calvin Coolidge

Favourite Colour: Pink

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