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Review: Okay I'll give it to you straight, if these reviews actually gave you scores, this one wouldn't be high. I'm not trying to burst your bubble or anything, just giving it to you straight. Inverting three boxes in your program to create a different colour is a 10 second job. I'd love to see some more effort in regards to text work or heck even matching the logo colour and the yellow shade on the bruins. I think overall I'm not disappointed, just know that if you have hue/brightness and other layer effects down pat, you can try different things. If you need help then reach out because we'd love to give you pointers. Don't stop though, keep trying your hand at different things. I will always encourage anyone to fiddle around for 20 minutes on what each thing does.

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Review: this is a solid idea! I agree above that if you changed the shade of the bruins jersey colour to match the logo a good more it would pop better! Also adding your player name somewhere would bring this graphic all together! This is different and you have a chance to build off this with more like it! 


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