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Another week, another attempt at making a BoJo sig that doesn't completely suck.

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Been playing around with blur and exposure this week. This is what I ended up with:


In typical me fashion, I spent an outrageous amount of time on the logo swap. Only to have the exposure settings of the final composite make it so

you couldn't see any of it lol. I'm half tempted to just claim the damn render with the original settings as a .com. I somehow manged to land the logo

in the uncanny valley with that one. Which is a first for me, at least it's better than having it look like absolute garbage, which is what I normally do.



    There is a lot that I like here. Your placement of everything is on point. The backdrop works well, the use of two separate tenders is a nice touch and the autograph is really cool.


    A few suggestions I have are:


-Spend even more time on the logo! You did well swapping it out and angling it nicely. There is a “warp” tool that I find fun to use which you can make it conform to the jersey even more which gives it a realistic feel.

-Font! It’s placed so well in this photo but it is very plain and basic. It’s tough to want to spend more time on the font when you’ve spent so much time on jersey and logo swaps but the font is such an important part of a graphic.

-It is very wide. Some people like this but personally I find it too wide. It’s more or less playing around with the sizing more and trying different things. 

Overall it’s a very cool graphic. I just wanted to give some constructive criticism. Rating: 7.5/10

Graphic Review


Not sure where the problem is? The logo looks great to me.  I zoomed in to find anything wrong and I couldn’t.  It looks like a logo that has been stitched onto the jersey.  Give yourself more credit!!  The signature is great.  The name at the top left with Bo and Johansson overlapping appears to be intentional, or if not then it was overlooked.  


The blurred background is blurred enough to make me want to look deeper into the picture to see what is there.  And then of course the eyes staring really help to bring the blurred background together so its not an image that is in parts but all flows together.  Wish I had talent like that.


I’m not sure what you could do to improve this other than playing with the fonts and spacing, but then it comes down to the artists preference.


Great Job!!


Review score 10/10

2 hours ago, Thunder said:

The name at the top left with Bo and Johansson overlapping appears to be intentional, or if not then it was overlooked.

Thanks for all the kind words. And yeah that was intentional, as he is often referred to as BoJo I connected the two to basically make it it's own word at the start. Depending on how you choose to read it.

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