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3-Year GM Anniversary Looming


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I looked back out of curiosity when I first joined the league again, and it had been about 4 years or so, I then got curious to see when I actually became a GM because while I know the season length, I didn't actually know the year and tenure, etc. Low and behold @Josh chose to hire me in February of 2019 as an AGM for the now defunct Yukon Rush and I lasted all of one season there as two months later in April of 2019, the then VHLM commissioners @Banackockand @diamond_ace gave me a shot with an expansion team in San Diego. I held the team for almost 1 2/3 years before moving on for a season, then coming back to the helm of a team with Miami, where I surprisingly had my most playoff success so I was very grateful for that. Fast forward to the present and I'm now on my 3rd season with Rome and I've actually had some of the most fun times as GM lately as I have in the past couple years, the team we have this year has been a lot of fun to engage with and I've truly enjoyed the season. I've not missed the playoffs thus far which is always a pipedream but I'm 0/2 in the finals, so this year Rome MUST come back to win... dontcha think? 


In any case, there is a trip down memory lane for you... 3 whole years in just two months, my oh my how time flies... 

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