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Seymour made a Protein Pizza


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I made a protein pizza today. It was fire. We threw some protein powder into the pizza dough and it still rose well. We used casein protein as that works extremely well. The dough raised well, the cheese melted extremely well and all the meats were cooked deliciously. My goodness, this was 1 hell of a meal. We all feasted like kings at the house. The team has been working on bringing me back fully to fitness. I've noticed I've been a step back all week even though I've been back to playing games every single day. It's just not been the same. More practices, more gym training, more healthy food choices. It's been work, that is for sure. However, I've started to see some benefits from all of this. My skating is definitely 50-60% back. I can see myself coming back for a strong rest of the season.


Sweden has treated me really well, I must say. Every single person has been incredibly fun, lively, nice and generous. I've had locals telling me to go try certain restaurants or historic sites. It's been surreal being in Europe and I'm glad I could make it this far in my hockey career.

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Protein Pizza, the best of life hacks. We can't pretend it's suddenly healthy. But at least it's very much helping the gains (and by extension protein farts). What more can you ask for really? Randomly adding protein powder to things and seeing what will happen, is a totally legit hobby at this point. Maybe Bo and Seymour will continue to explore the field of protein power based bro science in Chicago?🤔

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On 2/27/2022 at 2:22 AM, Shindigs said:

Protein Pizza, the best of life hacks. We can't pretend it's suddenly healthy. But at least it's very much helping the gains (and by extension protein farts). What more can you ask for really? Randomly adding protein powder to things and seeing what will happen, is a totally legit hobby at this point. Maybe Bo and Seymour will continue to explore the field of protein power based bro science in Chicago?🤔

Who doesn't like casein protein am i right? Anyways, time for GYM TAN LAUNDRY BABY

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