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#AsktheBouch: Hybrid Attributes placing the VHLM into a interesting situation with crap players or forced to add passing to your player. Thanks god for Roll back (which for some reason I keep writing role instead of roll). Long titles are cool!!


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New Generation: Hybrid Attributes

After first like all changes, I was like Okay, have the fixed the actually issue with the current Meta? After playing around for days with the spreadsheet created by Spartan; I can say without a doubt that they have at least moved the goal post as it will be very unlikely that passing won`t be added in some form or another but it is still very possible to limit passing for an unbalanced SC first build. My take away from playing around is the fact we are going to see a very much defense first builds come to the fore front as this is an easier attribute to actually obtain. The big question with the new Hybrid Attributes is it going to be more effective to build the highest TPA players or build the best single stats players? Only time will tell in which direction most in the league will lean.


VHLM in Trouble?

With the new Hybrid Attributes, I have noticed that the VHLM player will become very much a crap player as you (mangers/player) will need to decide on building a good VHLM player or building stats towards a very good VHL player. Again, this will be determined in the direction that managers tend to lean building the highest TPA players or single stats player. It means the VHLM might see some very useless 200TPE player after the three-year roll backs are completed.


Three Year roll back; Yes please!!!

Since I am affected by this change greatly and I have been playing around with stats since this off season I need to decide on the direction of my players build. He is a defender so he will clearly be defender first but the question will be to add balanced offence and defence at the VHLM level so that he is effective at the VHLM level then use his roll back to remove the extra passing from his game or simple go for the highest applied TPA for the build instead. I am thinking at the moment removing passing is still going to be effective as this was the meta and still will be a meta if all consider this option. Mean the goal post will have moved rather than ending meta out right but then again, the effects of having more TPA applied versus lower Pass Meta is currently unknown.  Either way I think this role back on the first player is going to be heavily used for anyone looking to remove passing while still trying to have a good VHLM player. Watch for more useless VHLM players in the future if passing Meta stays with simply the goal post being moved.


Wrote this over a week ago and don`t even remember what I wrote so my view could have easily have been changed by now or not but either way the change is coming and we need to adapt. I am also a fan of the change if it doesn`t come through in this article as it easier to look at the negative rather then the potential good. :P

Edited by Gaikoku-hito
Missed copying and pasting my whole first paragraph somehow!! LOL!! Idiot!! LOL!
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