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Laughter and Forgetting


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Admittedly, I've never read the book that inspired this article's title, but I read a summary of it once and found it interesting (and relevant to what this article deals with). What I have read is the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series--at least, the books that came out while I was still a member of the target audience--and the poem above makes largely the same point.


TL;DR: yes, Vancouver probably deserves an asterisk on their threepeat. But, given some time, basically no one will care and a good number of people won't even know why.


First off, congrats to the Wolves for doing what's only been done once before! It might be a little hard to believe, but I genuinely mean that. It doesn't need to be said that there's a great deal of controversy surrounding the last few seasons and that a good number of people aren't too happy with a certain team (really, a certain handful of teams, but one seems to be the popular option) for it. And I think talk about the early S80s will come with at least one person saying "yeah, but..." for the foreseeable future. The damage has been done, and the fires were started a while ago. But will the league continue to hate the team for it? Eventually, I really don't think so.


One of my favorite league history stories ever is the one involving @Beketov being the first player ever drafted and then getting hit with a suspension for plagiarism. Long story short, that's what happened! Things even got to the extent that people actively campaigned for him to be permabanned, something that would never go over well today. But it's not like anyone cares today, either. In fact, even the people who were there to see it mostly just think it was funny. I think that's just how things change as league stuff becomes a thing of the past--in 10 seasons, a decent handful of the member base will have joined post-S83, and those that haven't will certainly have cooled off after 10 seasons of the new system.


Originally, I was going to talk about how the way league history is presented will end up whitewashing the whole meta era, but I looked up the term "whitewashing" to make sure I had it right and it turns out that the word specifically pertains to a deliberate act of censorship, something that I don't think will ever end up happening on this topic (at least, not until I start complaining about the mods again). My main point is that we (generally) won't see "forever grudges" being held against the Wolves, and that the meta thing will become water under the bridge sooner than we think, no more than a funny story that gets told to first-gens.


Until that point, though:



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5 hours ago, Gustav said:

Long story short, that's what happened!

Can on plagiarism oneself? If not then no, that’s not what happened.

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