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Talking about the VHFL a little bit under the new system


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Alright sooooo it's one of those weeks..... You know the one where I have no clue what to talk about so I just ramble on about whatever comes to mind. Obviously the biggest talking point I can think of right now are the combined attributes, so guess we'll talk about that first. I saw a question in a press conference I did recently to do with the VHFL and how that will be affected by the new system, honestly it's hard not to imagine that everything is going to be up in the air. High TPA players will be the safest bet for sure but I think there will be a lot of second guessing and maybe eve asking a friend or two what they're opinion is. I'm not 100% but I presume that the world cup and anything else are being played under the new system right? since the change went live before that started, I imagine people who are gonna take it seriously will look at the results from those to. I do think users will still be taking players that have dumped a tone of TPE into scoring and defense stats anyway since that's how it was last season but I still think their could be more wild cards in there, perhaps seeing more players chosen than before? Also we have the pre season games for this season correct? So depending on when the VHFL opens up users could also be looking at that, as it would give a better idea of how good a player will produce and such, since in the world cup your playing with others that aren't normally line mates. Someone may produce really well in there but once they go back to their team they could drop off.


(word count 296)

Edited by ROOKIE745
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