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15 000 Post Party - Part 1


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Took a bit longer to hit 15 000 than I was planning on thanks to emergency surgery but hey, I’ve finally gotten here haha.


So, here’s the post party for those who RSVPed. In case you’re wondering, what / who people brought means nothing to this post. I was simply curious about what people would bring.


Boom: I think I’ve only been on your team in the USFL and I went inactive; that really is a shame. I say that because I tend to chat with teammates more than anything else. This means that I don’t tend to chat with you much. That’s a major issue which I want to fix because you’re one badass Mother Fucker. And I mean that in the good way, not the Percy Miller way.


Duckwurrf: Honestly, I haven’t had much chance to get to know you and I feel bad for that, especially since you seem to have a major love of Borderlands which is pretty awesome. Come chat sometime, I know I’m an old fart VHL wise but I don’t bite.


Sterling: Not many of us can say we’ve been around since the beginning; only a few of us remain from S1. You’re one of them and that gets my respect. Not only are you still here but you’re still thriving to make the VHL bigger and better than it’s ever been. That really says something to your character after 7 years of this site.


Kendrick: Over time I think everyone has had their issues with you, I doubt I’m an exception to that fact but at this point I don’t remember anything that might have happened between us in the past. Honestly, you’re one of the members I respect most around here. You kept me active throughout my career with Chekhov but, more importantly IMO, you gave me a chance when most GM’s were saying that I wasn’t worth the effort. I can’t thank you enough for that.


Métis: I’m not going to lie, a lot of the times you annoy me. I’m fairly certain it’s because of your age and the fact that I’m a jaded old ass now.While being honest though, it is nice to have someone else on the site who still enjoys CoD as much as I do haha.


Green: Honestly, when I saw you join the site, I didn’t think you’d stick around. I’m not sure why, you just had that kinda attitude that I figured you’d disappear after a few seasons. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m very glad that you have. You’re an inspiration now to new members. Hell, you’ve managed more TPE with one player than I have through like 7 guys. That absolutely amazes me.


Romanes: I know I said I wasn’t going to mention the things people brought. However, you said you’re bringing scotch which is badass so well done there. Anyway, I told you I would be more than happy to come back to Cologne with Miller and there is a very distinct reason for that. While a change of scenery was likely to be nice (and it is) I understood your vision in Cologne and respected you as a GM. I still do to this day. You were handed the reigns of a team that hasn’t had much success but you’re doing everything you can to make it your own and something spectacular.


Munk: Somehow we’ve been in many leagues together for years and yet we haven’t had much discussion. I don’t know how exactly this has happened but, honestly, it needs to be fixed and soon. After all, I nearly died by emergency ruptured appendix and I haven’t had more than 2 conversations with you. Something is majorly wrong with that.


Streetlight: I feel like we haven’t truly recovered from our days in NY when I was going inactive with White. I feel like a bridge was burned in a sense there and I do feel bad about it. My goal was never to burn anyone in the VHL and I do hate thinking that has happened. This does really bother me.


8O8: We used to chat a lot more than we do now. I feel like a lot of the time now we just chat when you need photoshop again haha. With that said though, I think you’re a great photoshop artist and one of the best members the VHL has ever had. I think your activity level has gone down slightly over the last little bit and that is a shame.




That’s all I’m going to do for this post party. Partly because I want to milk it for more TPE and partly because I’m tired of typing; I certainly haven’t typed this much in a long time haha. Everyone else who RSVPed will be covered in post party part 2.

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Green: Honestly, when I saw you join the site, I didn’t think you’d stick around. I’m not sure why, you just had that kinda attitude that I figured you’d disappear after a few seasons


Really wondering what caused this, I know I was probably being pretty quiet, but thats my usual self. So if you have any idea what made you feel that way let me know, always interesting to hear :)

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