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https://public.flourish.studio/visualisation/9320899/ - Once the VHLM/VHLE teams are all sorted, I'll add colours and logos accordingly.


Also this year, since this is a fairly big I've added a scout tool https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19VdQSrxW4j8py7mBZ_BlGcJGlAeTdYv93h-2jzHmlxc/edit?usp=sharing. To use it yourself, go to File-> Make a Copy. Once you've done that, you can use the first sheet "TPE Scouting Tool" to navigate through all the players in the draft and show the breakdown of their TPE earning, how many weeks they've been in the league, where they rank at their position along with listing a user's last player (if applicable) along with their build.


EDIT: Just a note on the scouting tool, the data is manually inputted, so if you want to use it with up-to-date stats, you’ll have to make a copy of the most recent version (I’ve added a note at the bottom to mention when I last updated)

Edited by MubbleFubbles
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22 minutes ago, youloser1337 said:

i think you got my name wrong lol

Whoops! Fixed it in the scouting tool, it'll get fixed in the visualizer next time I update that

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